Fifty five : Promise

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A deep, heavy fog of lethargy washed over taehyung. Gulping hard, he held onto jimin's hands tightly, trying to get rid of his constant shivering.

He was sitting very close to jimin on the couch, seeking his friend's comfort who's concerned eyes never left him. He felt the frequent rubs on his hands by his friend who runs his thumb gently on their clasped hands.

They were both sitting opposite to yoongi and hoseok while jungkook stood desolate, a distance far from them with jungmin on his arms. The boy was fiddling with the collar of his shirt mindlessly, unaware of the tensed air he's enveloped into.

Jimin's concerned eyes meets his husband who gives him a look which says 'everything will be alright'. Though yoongi himself looks tensed on what he's gonna face next.

Yoongi looks at hoseok who nods his head, making him look down for a moment and clear his throat quietly.

"We didn't know he was planning to leave the hospital... That too for coming here." Yoongi's voice cautious and controlled.

Taehyung purses his lips, hands instinctively squeezing on jimin's.

"His treatment is still going on and i don't know..." Yoongi pauses and looks at jungkook who immediately lowers his head in guilt.

Yoongi sighs, "He didn't even mention about all this so everything was so unexpected for us."

Taehyung closed his eyes, mind struggling against the fog as he tries to get a grip on himself. He can't believe this mess is really happening.

Yoongi gives a look at hoseok who nods and gazes at taehyung, "Last month was when jungkook showed much improvement on his health and i remember him mentioning about seeing you and jungmin but i let it pass thinking he's still dependant on medications but..."

Hoseok pauses to see a reaction from taehyung but it was unreadable for the doctor so he continues, "But...Now i think he's good enough to stay here—"

His words cut off by a huff of disbelief from taehyung. Jungkook braces himself, telling his already broken heart to prepare for more pain.

Taehyung swipes on his eyes harshly, looking at his hyungs in distrust, "Yes of course. He decided to stay here...then let him, right? Who am i even to refuse!"

Jimin bites his lips, sensing the hurt and pain in taehyung's voice. Taehyung shots him a look, "Right, chim?"

"Tae—" Jimin starts but yoongi was quick to stop him, the only one who was able to think about the boy's presence.

"Jungmin?" Yoongi calls, looking at the boy in jungkook's arms. Jungmin smiles at his yooni uncle in response.

"Come here" Yoongi held out his hand for the boy who at first was hesitant to leave his bunny uncle but nevertheless does as its his yoon uncle who called for him--the little boy never says no to his yooni uncle.

Jungkook places the boy gently down on the floor. He watches the boy slowly making his way closer to the older.

Yoongi's eyes softens as he calmly speaks, "Will you listen to your yoon uncle if i ask you to go to your room and play with your toys? Hm?"

Jungmin's face drops, looking down and pouting, "Mm... But bunny uncle? He won't go, rwight?"

Jungmin looks back at jungkook who instantly gives him a smile which contradicts his tear soaked eyes.

He shakes his head, wishing if he could actually shake off the realisation that his son has a primal fear of him leaving any moment—he gave that feeling to his little heart.

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