Twenty seven : Stress

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Warning: triggering contents are included, please avoid if it's uncomfortable.

Jungkook stepped inside his room, only to stare in awe. If he's not wrong he left the room quite messy yet it's all neat and clean now.

A soft chuckle escaped his mouth, of course taehyung did. But he shouldn't have.

He pouts, maybe taehyung cleaned out of frustration of how messed up he made his room. He will make sure he doesn't repeat this and force taehyung to work for him like this.

He opens his luggage and frowns when he finds it empty, he smiles again. Opening the closet, he understood taehyung not only cleaned the room but also organised his clothes.

He never imagined his clothes could look this good when kept in order. He should really learn to maintain this.

"Why do you always surprise me, Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook says under his breath, smiling like an idiot.

Taking out his towel, he made his way towards the bathroom and took a fresh shower. He changed into a white t-shirt and beige trousers, comfy enough to sleep.

He calmly looked through the closet and frowns when he didn't find that thing he's searching for. He hastily slides open the drawer and a sigh of relief leaves his mouth when he sees the box.

He takes it out and opens the lid. Searching through his items, his face slowly forms up a deep frown. A deadly kind of panic creeps inside him.

He kneels down and scatters all the things kept inside the box to the floor. Rummaging through everything and still didn't found his item.

"No no no..." Jungkook mumbles in dread as he gets up and scrabbled through the clothes, messing up all the neatly folded clothes.

His eyes brim up with tears, breathing becoming laboured as panic slowly crawls inside him, " "

"Where--i kept it here" He shook his head, hands running here and there like a mad man. Frustrated, he decides to search all over the room.

Not a second caring if he was throwing around the things, breaking the vase and lamp kept on the table, toppling the mattress off the bed. His misty eyes needed to see that one thing which keeps him sane.

"Taehyung!" He shouts, probably taehyung mistakenly took it or kept it somewhere else.

Fear, panic, tension, anger-- everything striked him together. Sweats covered his face, coldness rushed in to his body and he was feeling his brain spinning all over.

"TAEHYUNG!" He yells in rage.

Getting no hold on himself, he hurled the chair towards the wall. The loud crashing noise adding more to his agonizing tension.

The sounds of hurried steps reaches his senses, cutting through the cloud of panic.

"Jungkook? Oh my god" Taehyung gasps, holding his mouth incredulously, widened eyes searching all over the messed up room.

Jungkook's head snaps at him, his red rimmed eyes having a sharp wild gaze on taehyung. He took stumbling steps towards him, chest waggle for air.

Taehyung couldn't comprehend anything while witnessing the scene. The rage in jungkook's eyes made him shudder in fear. His dark eyes making him remember that horrible night.

"Jungkook--" He took a step back as jungkook got closer to him. His whole body going limp when jungkook harshly gripped his shoulders, making him wince fearfully.

"WHERE IS IT?" Jungkook roared at him, his voice menacing.

Taehyung whimpered in his hold, keeping his eyes shut. "W-what?"

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