Eighteen : Lost

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There was a lot of struggle.

His hands won't reach up to the edge of the pillow. Apparently the neckroll pillow was of his approximate size. Too big to get handled by his tiny hands.

Yet, somehow, with several grunts and whines he managed to fit the small shirt on the pillow. The sleeves falling to the side helplessly. He smiled, then leaned forward only to fall on the mattress with the pillow on his grasp.

"Urgh" His cute grunt was soon followed by a punch on the pillow, "stway still"

His command was unheard by poor pillow, making him huff in anger and give a weak smack on it. "You listen!"

He was then balancing on his knees, reaching for the pants. The pants won't fit into the pillow, despite his all tries. Then he realised his child--the pillow--doesn't have two legs like him.

Being considerate, he forcefully fits the one leg on the bottom of the pillow, the fabric too stretched that it seemed it will tear into two any soon. Now the other leg of the pant was hanging loose, showing the disability of the pillow.

Perfect, his child was ready.

He leaned the dressed pillow to the headboard and softly patted on it. "You look pwretty"


His doe eyes widened at the smooth voice. Lips lifting for a sheepish smile as he turns and looks at his mama, standing on the doorside with his narrowed eyes.

"Indeed it looks good on your clothes" Taehyung resisted to chuckle at his adorable son. Walking forward, he poked on his chubby cheek lightly. "I told you to get ready, not to put your clothes on the pillow"

The small boy pouted his lips when his mama started tugging off the clothes from the pillow while saying, "we're already late jungmin...your chimmy uncle must be on his way--"

"I don't wanna go!"

There it goes. The usual abrupt whining, before every outing or shopping.

Taehyung looked down at his son. "And why is that?"

The boy only pouts, fiddling. Taehyung sighs softly and sits beside his four-year-old son, caressing his black soft hair. "What is it baby?"

Jungmin looks up at his mama's eyes, watching the flecks of light brown in it. "Nivi noona laughs"

"Laughs? At you?" Taehyung blinks, brushing off his hair. The little boy was nodding his head sadly, lips having a permanent pout.

Taehyung easily pulled his son to his lap, "Why? Nivi noona is your favorite, no?"

The boy nods, of course she is his favorite. The most favorite of all. But his small mind can't forget his tiny sadness. "She laughs at my teeth"

Taehyung flutters his lashes, teeth?

Jungmin lifts his head, complaining further, "Says it's bunny teeth"

Taehyung felt like his heart ceased for a moment.

That's for calling me bunny.

Stupid bunny!

I heard that!

Jungkook. A name that will never erase from his life. His memories were always perched on his heart, unmoving. Moments like this, rarely occurs. But when it does, it brings back everything to its surface—brings back the tears.

"Mama!" Jungmin's voice takes him back. Jungmin, his son, always takes him back to his life. To happiness and calm.

The only one who taught him to smile genuinely. Taught him to swim back to survival from the harsh waves of past.

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