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"Ugh, why did we sit through two hours of trash again?" I asked my mom as we made our way out of the theatre. We had just seen one of the worst romance movies ever made. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against romance movies unless they're made after 2010. After that, it's all cliché and cringe.

"I know, I know I'm sorry", my mom laughed, "the trailer piqued my interest and I fell for it. I thought it would be better."

"Well, you thought wrong. It had the same dumb girl, making the same dumb decisions, ignoring the obvious red flags, making it her responsibility to fix him. I wanted to throw my popcorn at the screen." I ranted, she just laughed. I couldn't help it though, I loved to rant especially about things that irritated me, and there are a lot of things that irritate me, especially in books and movies. I just get so attached to the characters especially the main ones; I completely zone out, forget where I am, and I find myself feeling what they feel. I've discovered over the years of binge-watching and reading that I live vicariously through these people. Yeah, I don't get out much. But don't worry it's by choice.

"Go off sis." My mom said. Cringe.

"Ugh mom please don't say that it wasn't made for you, put it back on the shelf...but if you insist..."

"Mhm..." My mom muttered, she knew what she'd gotten herself into, she loved hearing my rants and strong opinions, and she loved that I wasn't afraid to voice them to anyone and everyone. I mean I am only the monster she created.

"Alright, First of all...", I cleared my throat ready to go in, "what kind of woman lets a man that she just met, tell her what she can and cannot do? Like, excuse me alpha, but you aren't close to being even a quarter, of half of all that. I mean sweetie, you owe this man nothing! He isn't even that cute for you to be so pressed. Like look, I get that a man that takes control is sexy and all but like, excuse you, how about you ask her on a date first? I don't care that they had sex once. Just because you posted up your American flag on my land doesn't make it yours."

My mom is near dying laughing, while I hold her up and laugh along.

"Alright, I get it."

"Sorry, not sorry, you can't complain, you asked for it." My mom made me headstrong, along with the power of three, and Ms. Buffy Summers, the five of them made me brave, independent, and a fighter. Ever since I was twelve and finished binging Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I trained. It was a great workout and it always made me feel like a badass even though it was pointless. I never really had any use for it. Luckily my mom still decided to support me and fund my many lessons throughout the years, I helped of course. My mom was just happy it got me off my bed and doing something productive.

Mama Bear was a lot like me when she was younger. At least that's what she told me. My mom was passive to a point, she wasn't a doormat, but it would take a lot to make her angry. She just wanted peace. You could say whatever to her, about her, and she wouldn't waver. However, if you touched her, or talked about someone she cared about, all bets were off. We were sweet like that.

And before you ask...No.

I haven't got a whole tragic backstory as to why I fight, sorry to disappoint.

I was never raped, abused, bullied, or held captive.

I wish someone would.

Please give me a reason.

"Where did we park th- oomph!" My mom was cut off when someone knocked her to the ground. 

"'Scuse you asshole!" She yelled to some dude, but he kept walking. I helped her up off the ground.

"Pirate Prick." I scoffed.


"He had a pirate ship tattoo." I shrugged. There was silence before my mom snorted.

"P-pirate Pussy!" We burst out laughing.

"Good one. Now come on old lady let's go before the cold freezes your hips."

"Excuse me? I bet I can beat you to the car." With that, my traitor of a mother pushed me and bolted for the car.

"That's cheating! You're disqualified! You've brought dishonor and shame to your people!" I yelled from the wet ground. I started to run after her when I was forced backward by a blinding light.

It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I choked and coughed trying to get clean air back into my lungs.

"Mom?" I called out. Or at least I thought I did. I couldn't hear my own voice. The incessant ringing was all that was audible.

"Mom!" God, it was like I was underwater. I sat up from my surely bruised back and what I saw was something I'd only seen in movies.

Our care was ablaze, and my mother was nowhere in sight.

I couldn't move. I was immobile for over an hour. I stayed completely silent in shock throughout the first responder's arrival; the paramedics, the firefighters, the police.


This victim blanket is soft.

899 Words

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Do you want to know what the characters look like, or at least the main character?

Don't worry it's not Madison Beer  

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