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*Explicit Chapter*

The day was finally here.

My first day of school.

I could put it off no longer.

I had already silenced five of my alarms.

I sat up in bed and contemplated suicide for about ten minutes.

When I finally convinced myself not to jump out of my window, I brushed my teeth.

I washed the dried drool and sand from my face and did my hair. I decided to leave it wild.

I went downstairs to have breakfast, and we were off to school.

I am nowhere near a morning person, I like to get as much sleep as much as I possibly can, so I slept all the way to school.

When we got out, guessed it, we were the center of attention.

I had guessed that would happen; I mean my brothers were athletes, rich, and super hot.

There's at least fifteen minutes before school starts so my brothers and I just stood by the car.

"Do you want us to show you to the Administration Office?" Adami asked.

"No, I already know where it is."


"Well in most schools there's a sign that says "Administration" on the administration building, just like that one over there." I pointed to the building that had the word Administration in big letters on the front.


"Hey, guys!"

"Hey." I smiled at Six. Kenny, Quinn, and Theo as they made their way over.

"How are you guys?" I asked them.

"We're good, and you? Excited about your first day?" Six asked.

"Eh, school is school."

"True, but hey, if anyone gives you any trouble, let us know and we'll handle them."

"No need, I can handle myself. Besides, who are you going to protect with those noodles?" I joke, referring to his arms. Everyone else laughed.

"You know what? Forget it, I hope you get shoved in a locker." He pouted.

"I was just kidding I'm sorry," I said hugging his arm.


"Pretty please." I gave him puppy eyes.

"Whatever, only because you're cute." He grumbles.

I know.

"Thank, you!" I smiled big, squeezing his arm tighter.

"Morning." I looked up and saw Zeke...Xander...Xavier!

He looked at me, then what I was holding, and glared at Six, for some reason.

Was there something going on between them?

We all gave our greetings before the bell rang. While they left for their classes, I left for the front office.

"Do you want one of us to help you to your classes?" Iggy asked.

"I'll be alright, the classes have labels."

I made my way to the front desk where a slim young man, wearing a Supernatural tie, sat at a computer.

"Good morning sir, I'm new here and I need my schedule."

"Welcome. Name, please."

"Imogen Almeria." He gave me a look, probably linking me to my brothers.

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