Slumber Parties and Stalker Peasants

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Let's see so far, we have three different bags of chips, two types of cookies, sodas, candy, fries, and some White Castle sliders.

I'm gonna need to double my workout next week.

"Isn't that enough?"

"Yeah, Dario it's enough, we can leave."

Now I know what you're thinking.

How are my brothers agreeing to let me have a sleepover so easily?

With a boy, no less?

I'm assuming that since no one ever bothered to ask, like everyone else, they believe Lenny is gay.

Do I plan on correcting them?


I can't, confirm or deny anyhow, because I don't myself what he identifies as.

I'm pretty sure Lenny doesn't know himself.

"Why are you excited? You'd think you'd never had a sleepover before."

"I have, but Lenny hasn't so I want him to have a really good time."

"That's sweet."

"I know." I cheesed.

When we got back home, I ran inside to set everything up.

Plopping on my bed, I got a text from Lenny.

So, am I supposed to bring special pajamas or something?

No, Lenny, just bring what you regularly sleep in.

Alright, I'll be ready soon. It's only 7, is that too early?

Not at all, come over whenever.

I'm a little nervous.

You have no reason to be kitten, it's just going to be us hanging out and having fun. We'll be in my room, so you won't even have to socialize with everyone after you arrive.

Alright. Yeah, that sounds fun.

I know it does. Now get your cute little ass over here.

Hey, my ass isn't little or cute.

Oh, I know it's not little, but it is cute.

That was the last text before started to prepare; I put some movies in the Netflix queue, got my pajamas laid out, and began to get ready.

I mean really get ready; I got in the shower, shampooed my hair, then lathered in conditioner, while that was setting in, I shaved. I shaved my legs, pits, and trimmed the valley.

I am a full-grown woman I am not about to wax my unholy space, that is not the way God intended.

Also, it'd hurt like a bitch.

I wasn't planning on going that far or going to any lengths at all really, it's just better safe than sorry.

I scrubbed with some pomegranate body wash then rinsed my hair.

The air tickled my fresh and newly smooth skin.

I put on my pajamas and dried and brushed my hair to look effortlessly flawless.

It was 8 pm when the doorbell rang. I raced down the stairs to open the door before my brothers or Marjory could.

"Lenny!" I jumped on him as soon as the door opened.

He's seemed to have put on muscle since I saw him last.

"I'm glad you're happy to see me, Angel." And he's had a second puberty?

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