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Imogen's POV

"So principessa would you like to come suit-shopping with us?" Aldo held me as we spun in his desk chair.

Another early morning workout before school, finished, and now the wind-down where I bother Aldo in retaliation for making me wake up early. I enjoyed sitting at the big man's desk but it came with a price to do so with him home. This also made it easier to subtlety snoop, however the need to be sneaky was lesser now that so many cats were out of the bag.

No complaints from me though, I do enjoy these moments of peace with Aldo. I feel like every time one of my brothers babies me it's their attempt at rekindling what they never got to have in a baby sister.

And still, no complaints.

"As much as I would love to see the elders looking constipated about me wearing trousers, I think I'll wear a dress this time. But I'm going shopping with Lenny, Bella, and her little strawberry blonde friend after school."

Needing to look my most innocent, I had to suppress my need to be that bitch.

"I don't see why you guys need to go suit shopping anyway. You always wear black tuxedos, I'm sure your closet is full of different styles of suits." Men's clothing wasn't something I ever concerned myself with, however feeling the quality of the formal blazer he had on now, it couldn't have been less than a grand.

"You are right, there's something about a freshly tailored suit." He hummed.

"How, "old money" of you, Aldo." His chest rumbled against my head, chuckling and he kissed my forehead.

"The boys should be almost ready for breakfast, why don't we join them?"

"Yes, I'm starving."

"Then why aren't you moving?"

"Because you haven't stood up and carried me to the kitchen."

"Oh right of course!" And thus we descended the stairs.

Everyone was accounted for, but before I could be seated in my chair I was scooped up my Dario.

"Over here, Aldo! I'm wide open."

"Morning, Dari."

"Morning, Imogen. I have a meeting to get to soon so eat fast." I only got through the eggs and hash browns, before I was kissed goodbye and tossed to Adami.

Interesting. When I imagined being passed around by hot guys in a mansion, this isn't quite what I imagined.

"Not as heavy as I thought you'd be." He commented.

"I have been working out." Rolling my eyes and snagging a piece of his bacon.

"How's Kiara by the way?"

"She's been wanting to come over more recently. But I've been busy. She's been acting this way ever since you came here. Maybe that show you put on your first day was a a little too real."

"I am a good actress."

"Has she said anything to you?"

Yeah she told me what a whore she was while I humiliated her by making her squirt in the locker room. was slut. Yeah slut, not whore.

"No really, we don't talk much. We're cordial at least." I'm getting full, the food here is too good. He hugged me closer which wasn't helping me stay awake.

"I know it's hard, she can be a lot. It's why I'm ending things."

"You should've ended things ages ago. You're a cute fella, you can get a girl wlling to put out that's much nicer."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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