Baby M&Ms and Headaches

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I've never felt so pissed, frustrated, sad, and furious at the same time.

I'm currently rummaging through my mom's closet for some snacks. I know that fatty kept a stash in here, always hiding food from me.

Ha! I knew it. I found a suitcase in the back of the closet with a lock on it.

I brought it into the bathroom. Lifted it and beat it against the bathtub a few times, until finally, it broke. When it did a bunch of folders and a VHS tape fell out.

My god, mom how old are you? Ever heard of a flash drive? Or at least a CD? Now I have search through the house for a VCR.

After a few minutes of searching and some spider scares, I finally found one and popped it in. I swear if I had to rewind it.

It better not be a sex tape, either.

Hey, testa di pollo. (chicken head)

That was one of her, nicknames for me in Italian, I called her tête de porc (hog head) in French. She was French Italian.

Now I'm getting all emotional and shit.

         If you're watching this it means I'm dead, or at least I'm going to be when you get a hold of me after finishing this. Alright, so, I'm just going to rip the band-aid off. My family was involved in some not-so-legal activity; the mafia to be exact, the French Mafia. When I was nineteen, we went to a ball, I was introduced to a man named Alfonso Almeria, Italian. It was love at first sight...for my parents anyway.

He was hot, I was single, and my parents seemed to like him, so I decided, why not? Next thing you know it's six months later and I'm pregnant. I know you know this but never trust a guy that says he'll pull out. If I knew then what I know now I would've never had sex with him, let alone married him, but I did, and we had...a few more kids.


Yeah, we had like, maybe, like...five more.

Ugh, five? Wrap it up, why don't you?

I know, I know, "wrap it up". Anyway, everything was fine until I overheard a business meeting between our parents and some potential allies. They were talking about an arranged marriage to solidify the alliance. An arranged marriage for you.

No, thanks.

Over my dead body was I going to let that happen. So, I got into contact with some people and put a plan in place to have my identity changed, and some funds opened. I'm not a monster though I wanted to give them a chance, you know how men and old people are; thinking they know best and that they have a say in other peoples' lives.

I told them straight up, my daughter is not having a marriage arranged for her before she can even form the words "I do". They told me it was for the best of the family and the business blah blah blah. So, I left. People like that never see reason, until they're forced to, like toddlers.

Unfortunately, though I only had enough time and money for the two of us. I mean don't get me wrong I would've loved to have your brothers with me, but I honestly wasn't as worried about them. They would be treated like kings; with the freedom and money to do whatever, whereas your life would've been like a coin; to be shiny and tossed and changed hands with whoever at whatever cost.

So, I left with you, and I didn't tell you for obvious reasons. Also, I'm making this video now and not later because I never want to have to think about it again. I know that might be selfish, but you know me, if the problem isn't in my face, it doesn't exist.

But don't worry I won't leave you empty-handed, the papers and files have all the information on your brothers, father, and grandparents.

So, uh...I guess that's it. I love you, babe. Stay gold, live long, and prosper, and whatever.

A million different emotions are running through me as my mom fades on the screen. My phone reads 4 am, and I've already grief eaten all the baby m&m's. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about what I've just heard, which is only worsening my headache. I decided to call it and watch Schitt's Creek until I fall asleep.

 I decided to call it and watch Schitt's Creek until I fall asleep

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I wake up to pounding on the front door. I checked the time.

8 am?!

Who in the Fuck?

I wrap myself in a blanket and charge to the front door and look out of the side window. There is a woman I've never seen. I went to open the door.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Uh, It's 8 am."

"Yeah, 8 am on a Saturday, and I don't see a warrant in your hands so soften your knocks."

"I...uh...I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven. Now, what do you need?"

"First things first, I'm so sorry for your loss." God, I'm not ready for people to start saying that to me. Defense, Activated.

"Hi Sorry, I'm Mogo." She smiled, with soft bubblegum lips.

"I'm your Social Worker, Fiona Garner." Looking at her better it's like she was based on Fiona from Shrek. She was pretty, full-figured with red hair and green eyes.

"Cute name."

"Thank you. I'm here to talk about where you'll be placed."

"Is that really necessary? I mean I'm going to be eighteen in like...", I counted on my fingers, "seven months."

"I understand but the system believes that's much too long, and with the sudden loss of your mother we think you'd be better fitted with your family." I assume they did some sort of legal DNA stuff.

"They asked for me, or you asked them to take me?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Answer the question FiFi."

"We contacted them. But don't worry they seemed excited to have you."

So, they're "excited to have me" huh? Well, I'm excited to meet them. I mean I have some funds to get me started living on my own, but who knows this could always be interesting. I could always dip if I wanted. Seven months is more than enough time to judge whether I'd like to keep these people in my life.

"I'm sure they are. Well, I'll need to pack then, won't I?"

1053 Words

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