Porn Cops and Bubblegum Lips

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"You know you didn't have to come with me, right? Like I'm fully capable of riding on a plane alone

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"You know you didn't have to come with me, right? Like I'm fully capable of riding on a plane alone." I asked Fi.

"I know, but it's protocol to make sure you've arrived in your brothers' care directly, and I'm not to leave you a second sooner."

"If you say so."

I must say, first-class, is the way to do it your first time flying. They gave me food, slippers, a movie, and oh my goodness these seats are heavenly. They recline enough to pop your back, it's positively orgasmic.

I could see Fiona was enjoying the five-star treatment as well. She had long passed out by now. I looked out the window and saw the city lights under the sunset. If I were basic, I would've taken a picture of it.

"Attention passengers, please secure your seatbelts and belongings, as we are preparing for landing." The stewardess announced.

I look over to FiFi to see her dead asleep. I smirk and lean close to her ear, very slowly.

I shook her violently.

"Fiona the plane!" She jumped awake and began to scream.

"No!" Passengers looked at her wide-eyed, some laughed.

" landing...jeez calm down." I giggled.

She buckled her seat with a now red face.

After a nice little plane landing and a fun, high stakes game of baggage claim, we looked around for our ride

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After a nice little plane landing and a fun, high stakes game of baggage claim, we looked around for our ride.


There stood a man in a chauffeur's uniform and hat with a sign with my name on it.

So cute! Just like in the movies. But something was off.

My last name. My last name is Aubert, but the sign read Almeria. I look at FiFi for an explanation.

"It's your family's surname."

Ah, I see. Well, I guess it sounded nice, and at least my initials will be the same.

I walked over to the man and caught his attention.

"I believe I'm the one the prophecy spoke of." I stated in an old English accent. He gave me a bright smile. He was hot, he looks like that dad from Inside Out. Sexy porn cop.

I shook the dirty thought from my head.

Do you ever imagine someone you've just met in a sexual scenario? I think it's a compulsion of mine. Like with FiFi's plump bubblegum lips. I wonder if they taste like bubblegum too...

I bite my lip in thought.


"Nice to meet you, ma'am, my name's Garth. Right, this way." He led us to a polished black town car.

"That's a hard name, Garth. Tell me, how long is the ride?"

"Thank you?" He said, confused. "And to answer your question, the ride will be a forty-five-minute drive from the airport.

You know what that means everyone; forty-five minutes of reading and daydreaming while blocking out the world with some noise-canceling headphones.

What book are we going to read? Maybe it's time to find some new books. Let's see what I might like....

He was darkness, she was pure-No.

My parents sold me to One Dire-No.

She was the school virgin, and she's caught the Bad Boy's-No.

...will never submit to anyone...-Maybe. I'd settled on a boyxboy book, An Omega Novel: Fang by   Added to Library.

Music selection... I Can't Handle Change by Roar.

Now, off to my mind palace, and a new home.

552 Words

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