Big Sister-Cousin

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It was Saturday and tomorrow's the day of the ball; Aldo had appointed the aunts and Basic Bella to take me dress shopping. I'm dreading it honestly; I don't think I'm being taken seriously when I say I don't want to wear a dress.

Like they honestly think I'm just going to relent because they bribe me, I don't give into peer pressure.

"Come on I know you'll look beautiful in a dress." Aunt Clarissa tried to persuade me along with Lia and Helena.

Bella couldn't care less, and I appreciated that.

"Yes, you'll turn heads for sure."

"Ugh." They weren't getting it. I know I'll look hot in a dress, I look hot in everything, but I just don't want to.

It's not like I was trying to wear a onesie.

"I know that, but I don't want to wear a dress."

We were all in the living room, getting ready to go shopping.

"You must look presentable. I know you'll look beautiful." Aldo said.

"I get that, but-." I sighed. "Forget it, let's go."


"Let's go, ladies!" Lia announced.


Once we arrived at the mall and the torture began.

We tried on dresses of every style and color; black, white, gold, red, princess, mermaid, strapless, sleeveless, blah blah blah.

I was over it until I saw it. In the window across from the store, it was love at first sight and I was so excited.

"Let's get this one," I said referring to the red ball gown I currently had on.

"I agree you look gorgeous in it; he'll love it."

"He, who?" I asked curiously.

"Aldo." Clarissa cut Helena off.

I felt like I knew what she meant, but I ignored it, I needed to go to the store.

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked them.


"Great. You guys go get us a table at the food court. I know the perfect shoes to go with this dress, I'll be there soon."

"That's the spirit Imogen, I knew we'd find the right dress," Clarissa said pleased with herself.

Sure, sure, whatever.

While they went to stuff their face, I went across the street, and tried everything on, and got shoes.

I was sitting on the couch texting Lenny

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I was sitting on the couch texting Lenny.

We texted and hung out at school every day.

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