Pull the Lever, Kronk

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Time Jump to Saturday

Today's the big day.

I'm meeting some new family members.

So far, the guest list consists of two uncles and their wives, an aunt, and her husband, three cousins, and two grandparents all from my Italian side.

Form my French side; two grandparents, an uncle, and his wife, and one cousin.

I got dressed in something lunch casual and went downstairs to see if I could help with the preparations.

"Hello, my goddess, do you need help with anything?" Marjory giggled.

"You don't have to help sweet girl, it's my job."

"I know but I'd like to, I can't go letting myself get completely spoiled."

"Well if you insist, could you go set the table?"

Thank goodness she didn't ask me to help cook anything.

"Sure." I took someplace settings and dishes to the grand dining room table.

The door opened and in walked a small crowd of people.

I'm already over this. I want to go back to my cave.

"Here." A girl around my age tossed a sweater at me, I let it drop to the floor.

I looked at her and went back to setting the table.

"Excuse you?" She tried getting my attention.

"You're excused." She scoffed.

"You didn't take my sweater; do you know how expensive that is?"

I actually did know how expensive it was, $330.

I sold one that looked just like it yesterday.

"Way more than it's worth, I could get one just as cute and just as soft at Walmart."

"Of course, someone like you should have to stop there. I suggest you pick that up before I have you fired, then you won't even be able to afford that."


What a bitch.

"And who exactly are you, to threaten employee termination?"

"Isabella Almeria." She smirked.

What a basic name, for an Italian.

I mean, where's the flavor?

"Well my name is Imogen Almeria, and I actually live here, so I think I have more control over employment here, wouldn't you say?"

She looked shocked.

I took a moment to scan her.

She was pretty; Raven hair, pale skin, pink, glossy lips, if only it weren't for that unbecoming personality.

I love putting brats like her in their place. In more ways than one.

She's lucky we're family.

"Anywho." I pushed past her to the kitchen to let them know I'd finished setting the table.

"Imogen come meet everyone."

I took a deep breath and put on my game face.

When I stepped out of the kitchen, I heard gasps.

"My goodness, you're gorgeous." An older woman stated.

I know.

"Thank you."

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