Irish Springs and Humiliating Things

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When we got home, I started thinking about how I would go about searching Aldo's office.

I mean, starting from the bottom; if I wanted to search his office I'd have to do it without getting caught by the cameras, which means I would have to delete the camera footage either before or after. I don't know if I'd want to take the chance of waiting until after to delete it, or just cut the feed altogether. 

I ran through multiple scenarios in my head of what I could do, and what could happen.

I'd also have to get around to planting a few of my own.

"I'm going to go study for a bit, then we'll watch the movie."

"I'm going to go take a shower and a nap." They both said, then he left.

Alone time.


I went upstairs to work out my plan a little, this needed to go smoothly.

I went upstairs to work out my plan a little, this needed to go smoothly

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"Hey, Aldo, what's up?" I greeted him, walking into his office. I realized the Aldo and I haven't had a decent conversation in a while, or ever really. So, I decided that I would try, I mean he is my brother after all, and I want to have a good relationship with him.

Yeah Iggy and Adami are easy, and Dario is like the mom; having authority while keeping the peace, and Aldo is the Papa, maybe I'll call him that, Papa Bear.

Eliseo was the dog we'd eventually put down.

So sad really.


"Sounds fun, have you been doing that all day?"

"Yes." He looked tired and irritated. I didn't know if the irritation was caused by me or the stress from work. I chose the latter.

"Well, me, Twinny, and Adami are going to watch a movie in the theater room tonight, would you like to join?"

"I have work to do."

"Are you not the boss?"

"I am."

"So, you can't take a break to spend time with your siblings? Or at least me, whom you haven't spent any time with since I arrived?" he gave me a straight face, and I gave him a coy smile. He had big brown eyes; I notice the patterns in his irises were like rough tree bark.

"You have pretty eyes," I commented.

He looked at me and I swear I saw the corner of his mouth twitch.

That's not good enough, I will make him smile.

"I supposed I could spare an hour or two." He gathered his files.

"Great!" I ran to go tell the others.

"Be careful, sorellina." I slowed down a bit.

           Baby sister.

Kiara's POV

I couldn't believe what happened. I felt humiliated. I can't believe I just let her do that to me.

"Why isn't he here, you were supposed to get information from him tonight."

"I don't know, he said he really needed to study." I half lied, scowling at my boss.

"Whatever gets him here and any information we can use to bring them down."

"Alright." He gave me a once over and walked out.

My mind went back to today in the locker room, where it's been for hours.

I remember how she mocked me while she rubbed my clit. The thought had me rubbing my legs together to soothe the throbbing. I basically humped her fingers.

I didn't know if she was just strong or maybe I didn't want to push her off. I just know that when she spanked me, I went weak.

She spanked me.

She fucking spanked me.

She humiliated me.


I won't let her do that to me.

She can't.

What if someone saw?

What if they took pictures or something?

If anyone finds out, I'd be ruined.

I'm not just going to let that bitch do that to me. 

Imogen's POV

After everyone had showered and gotten into their pajamas we convened in the theater.

Movie of the night.

Scoot Pilgrim vs The World.

I love this movie.

I was sat next to the two youngest brothers in the front row, Aldo was behind us.

I looked behind to see if he was still awake. I saw him on his phone.

I got up with my blanket wrapped around me and went to sit next to him.

"Pay attention, this film is important."

"It's about a boy trying to get a girl." He replied in a bored tone.

"It's about direction and self-worth, put it away, it's family time."

"Fine." Covering us both in the blanket I snuggled up and held onto his arm. He had huge biceps.

"How often do you work out?"

"Every morning."

"I never see you."

"That's because you sleep the day away like a vampire."

"Well if I wake up early, can want to work out together?" I knew that waking up every day to work out at four or five in the morning would lead me to suicidal thoughts, but hey, I could quit any time and it was a sacrifice I'd make to build a relationship.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I questioned.

He chuckled.

"You. Awake before 11 am?"

"Hey, I can do it. I mean it's not like I would for just anyone though." I said looking at him. He looked towards the screen in thought.

"Alright, dark and early tomorrow morning."

Instant regret.

"Alrighty." I knew I made a step forward when he put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

His chest rumbled when I rubbed my face on his side.

"What are you doing?"

"You're warm, and you smell like Irish Springs."

928 Words

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