Silk, Slop, Bottom, or Top?

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River's POV

I woke up feeling dazed and groggy, before I could let myself relax into denial, the realization of where I am, hit me.

I was hot, sweaty, and itchy.

What was it?

Maybe a week or two since the night of the party?

So that was approximately two weeks without a shower?

I'm hungry and judging by the shadows under the door it was almost time for my slop, as some people call it.


My top guess on what the slop was, was cheese grits, I mean it could be worse.

Just then the door opened, and in slid the slop on a nice prison grade tray.

I began eating and analyzing my predicament.

I knew I was fucked when I started to feel dizzy at the party, there was no way some dude spiked my drink; I never gave any dude the time of day, and I didn't drink anything at the party besides some bottled water.

I mean I thought I was safe when that girl saw me stumbling, but damn was I wrong.

So far, it's just been; wake up, eat, sleep, repeat.

I'm so bored.

I hope my pet rock is okay.

This alone time needed to be spent wisely, I couldn't just spend two weeks crying.

Maybe the first day and at least 10 minutes every morning when the shock hits, about the things that could happen to me. I could die here, I could be trafficked, I could be killed.

There are two ways I could play this; be reckless or be stealthy. Stealthy is best since I know nothing and can't fight for shit.

Well, maybe, I'm not sure. I've never been in a fight before.

I'm just too nice and likable.

I've seen enough movies, shows, and books to know the possible outcomes of my predicament. If I wanted to survive, I needed to be smart and patient.

To keep busy I've been doing small exercises, walking around, braiding my hair over and over again, and practiced singing.

Anything to keep from falling into a depression, and who knows when I'll have to defend myself or run a mile to safety.

I jumped when the door opened unexpectedly.

"Get up." It was a new man, he was way bigger than me, and I had no clue what was happening here, so I knew no matter what I had to play along until there was a clear window for me.

He grabbed me by my upper arm and dragged me out of the room.

My head was down but my guard was up, taking in my surroundings; the twists, turns, stairs, windows, people, everything.

We stopped at a nice polished wooden door, he opened it to reveal four women, dressed in sky blue nurses' scrubs.

"Get her ready." The man said. Before he left, I muttered a soft thank you, loud enough for him to hear.

He stopped and gave me a look like I had grown a tail.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." He chuckled and walked away.

Politeness is a tool and can get you far and let people know that you don't want trouble.

Even when you do.

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