Plans and Pajamas

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(PJs Above)

It's the countdown to D Day.

My first day of school.

Honestly, the only thing I'm excited about now is my first-day outfit.

Currently, my clothes are scattered on the floor in the aftermath of me finally picking out an outfit.

Now that that's done, I'm can start my mission.

So, first things first, I need to search for cameras. So how do I go about going around the house with my phone, while it constantly beeps without drawing attention to myself?

Luckily, my brothers neglected to ever give me a tour, that'll be my cover.

Now, how do I go about the beeping?

I took out my phone and opened the app to see if it had Bluetooth. It does, awesome. I connected them to my headphones.

Great, no out loud beeping, but I needed to be discreet, so I opted for my air pods. They're fully charged since I never use them.

I hate earbuds.

I went in search of a brother, one that's easily distracted and wouldn't ask questions.

My sweet Iggy.

I go downstairs still in my PJs because who gets dressed to lounge around the house?

I found him in the living room with my brothers and their friend Xavier.

"Good day, everyone."

"It's 3 pm." Aldo pointed out.

"Yeah, that's why I didn't say "good morning"."

"What are you all up to?"

"Just a little discussion about the ball next weekend."

"Cool, I just needed Iggy."

"Alright, and in the future please dress appropriately when we have guests, or in general."

"Sure, and in the future could you inform me when we have guests over to my house?" I didn't give him a chance to answer before I grabbed my reason for being here and dragged him into the kitchen.

"What do you need Immy?"

Aw, a new nickname, cute.

"Can you give me a tour of the house? No, one ever really gave me one."

"Sure, come on."

"Wait, let me change first." I ran upstairs to change and connected one airpod to my phone.

"Alright let's go." Walking into the kitchen I went the long way, and I heard one beep, near the exit. Only one camera, it was in the perfect spot to have a full view of anyone going in or out of the kitchen.

"Welcome to the Almeria House Tour, first we have our kitchen." Iggy imitated a tour guide, which made this more entertaining.

We left for a hallway, and along the way, I took note of every beep I heard.

"Here we have our home theater."

"We have a home theater? We could've totally watched Hereditary in here."

"I rather not see that movie on the big screen, or ever again."

"Aw, don't worry baby I'll protect you." He blushed.

"I'm older than you."

"Sure, you are."

"I am."

"I know Iggy, I believe you."

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