New Locks and Purple Pills

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A little smutty, adult content in this chapter I'll put a "*" as a warning.

A little smutty, adult content in this chapter I'll put a "*" as a warning

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I'm finally finished with my room makeover.

It looks way more like me.

I lay on my new bed to relax for a little, I'd been working on this since 11 am

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I lay on my new bed to relax for a little, I'd been working on this since 11 am.

It wasn't my choice.

I was told that it was...


.... for me to sleep in until two in the afternoon.

I decided to put these extra hours of the day to some good use and do a little prick research.

Pirate Prick



Well, that's a bit of a broad search. using VPN and incognito, of course, can never be too safe or too sure.

"Pirate Gangs," I tried again.

"Pirate Gang Tattoos"

So far, I had come up with some fires a so-called "Prates" group had started, along with some open homicide cases. Unfortunately, that was all at this point.

I closed my laptop and huffed.

I decided I had avoided human interaction enough for today, I changed out of PJs into some loungewear, one of the many outfits I'd bought yesterday.

I love having rich people suck up to me, trying to buy my affection.

I heard more voices than usual in the living room.

Walking in I saw two of my brothers along with four new faces, I looked them over and decided to make my grand entrance.

I struck a sultry pose, my right elbow on the threshold, hand in my hair, I tossed the flow of my long top back with the other hand.

"Hello." I greeted softly.

The four new faces looked up, speechless.

I smirked.

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