Ice Cream, Lingerie, and Covert Ops

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We walked into the ice cream shop, while the others headed to the counter, I went to claim a booth.

"You guys know what I want!" I called out to them.

On my way to claim a booth in the back corner, I saw something the made me freeze.

The most beautiful boy I'd ever seen.

He had what looked like the softest brown hair and hypnotic blue eyes. He was slim and had a sweet style from the looks of it.

I wonder if he's straight. Maybe bi? Pan? Anything but gay I can't work with that unless she identified as her. He was too androgynous to tell. Maybe they're a "them"?

Chill, Imogen.

I wanted to talk to him so badly.

My thoughts were cut short when my bloods headed over to the table.

We all scooted into the booth together. Oscar started kicked off a conversation.

"So, Imogen are you ready for school Monday?"

"I mean I guess, there's no avoiding it. Do you guys go to the same school?"

"No, we go to Emerald Glen, a few towns over."

"What's or school name?" I asked my brothers.

"Chief Heart Academy."

"No uniforms, right?"

"Nope, no uniforms."

"Enough boring talk about school, what are you guys wearing to the ball? Imogen, I assume you'll be wearing a tux of some kind?"

"What ball?"

"A ball our family throws every year for the company to network with other companies and potential investors."

"Is everyone in the family coming?"

"Yeah, they're all part of the business."

Is this for the actual business or the mafia business or both?

"Ah, well I'll probably wear a suit or tux then."

"Wow, you want people to think you're a lesbian or the help?"

"I sexually identify as a sylph. I go wherever the wind blows me, and if the wind happens blows me into a vagina, then so be it."

My cousins and brothers snickered. Even Eliseo cracked a smile.


"Good luck getting that by the oldies, the women to be more specific."

"I thought you would've liked wearing dresses, I mean you are wearing a skirt right now." This is the first time Joaquin had spoken.

"Well, sometimes I do, like at a dark nightclub, maybe, a small intimate dinner or something like that. But otherwise, I don't like wearing flashy dresses in a room full of strangers. And seeing as this is my first ball I'm attending as the sister of the CEO; attention will be on me regardless. So, I rather not add fuel to the fire." For some reason, this seemed to irritate Bella.

"You really are trying to run men away, aren't you, you really don't deserve-"

"You guys want to go to the mall?" Oscar interrupted her little rant.

Speaking of the mall I did need to pick up some equipment.

"Yes, I'd be delighted, I need to do some shopping."

"I didn't take you as the shopping type."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing I just didn't think you were like other girls."

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