Sex Tapes and Garbage Shopping

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I wake up to the sounds of Trixie's bird laugh on the TV. I was going to go back to sleep until heard voices past my door.

I look at the time.

6:45 AM.

Ew. I'm going back to sleep.

I was until I smelled food.

I checked my face for drool and left for my hunt.

I walked down the stairs in my PJs, ready to start this first day of the rest of my life, I guess. I heard people in the kitchen.

Ooo, I hope these are the types of rich people that have feasts in the morning because that was something I could get used to.

My entrance caught everyone's attention, as it should, and just like I'd hoped the table was full of food.

"Thank you, God. Who cooked this?" I asked the room.

"Marjory did, she's the cook." Iggy answered.

"Goddess." I addressed her. "Thank you, and I hope when the time comes you accept my marriage proposal." That got some chuckles.

I dug in.

I attacked the scrambled eggs, first, then the bacon and sausages, added a bit of syrup. I went in on the waffles, which I prefer over pancakes; I like the crunch of a good waffle.

Oh man, they've got hash browns too. Score. I hydrated with some orange juice. Mmm, it's the good, sweet stuff.

"Hungry, are we?" Dario asked.

"Yes, where I come from people don't have time to make full spreads like this in the morning. Well, I guess you guys don't either, seeing as the cook made it. Anywho, what's everyone's plan for the day?"

"Dario and I have work, and Adami and Ignacio have school, which you'll start next week." Aldo spoke from the far end of the table.


"Dario will take you school shopping later with that boys."

"I don't really have that kind of spending money right now," I will after I sell those clothes in the closet but that'll take time, "and I've got a good amount of clothes or the time being, it's not even a new school year."

"We'll buy them for you." I would usually stand my ground, but he's paying so....

"Say less. I'll be ready and waiting." I smiled, went upstairs to get ready until I remembered something.

"Hey Aldo, can I redo my room as well?"

"Yes, spare no expense."

"Are you sure? I'll need to paint and stuff."

"I'm sure, Eliseo has my card."

Who am I to stand in the way of someone wanting to throw their money at me?

I went upstairs to chill for a few hours until Adami and Iggy got home when someone opened my door. It was Dario.

"We're leaving."

"Alright, and could you knock next time? I answered not looking up from my phone.

He left without answering.

I burritoed myself in bed for the rest of the day and decided to go on YouTube and watch some BTS videos.

Yoongi is my bias, but I'd sell my soul to any of those men.

That's pretty much how I spent the rest of my alone time.

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