Like a Bedtime Story

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Imogen's POV

"Do you wanna go to a party?"


"Do. You. Want. To. Go. To. A. Party."

"No? I thought you didn't like parties."

"I don't, it's for the investigation."

"Oh, well you should've said that. Is Bella going?"

"Obviously. It's a party."

"Are your brothers coming?"

"I'd assume after what happened at the other one."

"Are you sure they'll hit this party? That girl went missing like four parties ago. What if they've moved on to a new hunting ground?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Not to sound too cringe, but this is our turf so we need to handle it the best we can."




The rumbling of conversation could be heard before we even made it to the cafeteria door.

"What did they say we were having today?" I asked Lenny.


"Circle or Rectangle."


Fuck yeah

"Then hurry up, I don't wanna miss out." I grabbed his hand and maneuvered through the crowd when I was nearly bodychecked in the process.

"Watch where you're going bitch." Lenny's head snapped in the direction of the voice when as I reached to get my pizza.

I didn't need to look; I knew that voice.

I'd handle her later.

"Excuse you?"

"Wow, Lenny, your brother never told me your balls dropped. Congratulations."

"Thanks, Kiara. Maybe once you learn to wash yours, you won't have to pay your boyfriend to give you the attention he gives your friends for free."

"Very nice," I comment.


"Anyways, Kiara, Lenny and I have somewhere to be," I interrupted, handing him his tray," besides, you wouldn't want to be late, would you?"

I could feel the hate and humiliation radiating from her.

"Well..." I asked tilting my head.

"You're lucky you are who you are, but luck runs out." With that, she walked off with her friends.

I'm sure they're paid, actresses.

"You know, if she actually posed a threat, I might be cautious."

"She could, possibly."

"What do you mean?"

"Get the door." We got settled on the roof when I turned to face him. "Alright so, I need to tell you something and you can't talk until the end, okay?"


"Okay, so..."

I told him everything that happened in the locker room with Kiara, and in Adami's room.

"I'll give you some time to process while I eat." On my first bite, he surprised me.

"That's so hot."

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