A Little Lenny

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Lenny's POV

"So, are you going to be hanging out with the girls today?" My mom asked at the breakfast table.

"Planning on it. I might sleep over again."

"You seem to be hanging out with them a lot lately."

"Yes." What was she getting at now?

"Not that there's any problem with that, but you know you can hang out with your brother and his friends too." Xavier's head snapped up. We could both agree that we hated when our parents volunteered us for something without our input. "Or both of your friend groups could hang out together. Right, Xavier?"

I used to think that they just wanted me to be like Xavier, but now maybe she just wanted us to get along more.

Or anyone, really. I was pretty closed off from the family, and now that I seemed to be branching out socially, I guess now's as good a time as any to try.

"I...I mean yeah, I guess." Very convincing.

"As nice as that sounds mom, I don't really think we have any shared interests." I hurriedly escaped my family and made my way to school. As easy as it would be to catch a ride, I valued the downtime where I could dissociate.

Upon entering, I realized how these past few weeks have changed me. I used to dread coming here, I mean I still do but a little less. There's less fear and loneliness in the dread.

The looks are still there, from people who hate my brother and find me an easy target. Looks from people that worship my brother and find me an anomaly. Then the regular nosey people trying to figure out my sexuality and whether or not I am a top or bottom, as if it affects them. But I guess that one's the lesser.

Now I have Imogen to hang out with and I am no longer in fear of the aggressors, maybe it's because of the training or that I now know of greater evils.

My day went on just like that; music and podcasts, all the way up until gym. I tried my best to time my tardiness, but unfortunately, I can't always win.

Or ever.

"Cover yourselves, gentlemen. There's a lady present." Excited and cautious eyes darted around, then gleamed with amusement once they'd landed on me.

I glared at Mitchel and took my clothes out of my locker and went into the stall.

"Awe, where you going? Are you shy?"

"I just think it's funny how you guys call me gay as if you aren't all just standing around naked for no good reason. Like you do know we're only meant to change in here and then leave, right?"

"Don't act like you don't enjoy it, princess." I gagged.

There's only one person I'd ever allow to call me that.

Once I'd heard the locker room empty, I came out and put my clothes in a locker with my own personal combination lock. As if I'd trust the students and faculty with my personal belongings along with the code.

Before I could leave, I felt myself being pushed up against the wall. Quickly evading, I saw it was Mitchel.

"Someone moves quick." He commented.

"What do you want?"

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

"That's the least of my worries, just tell me what you want, so I can go somewhere I really don't want to be."

"What's the rush? You're just going to mozy around while we do all the work. Admiring what you want." He smirked.


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