Tips at Tiffany's

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Third Person POV

Xavier and Eliseo had been to every jewelry store in and out of town.

"Do you think she'd like this?"

"Don't know."

"What about this?"

"Don't care."

"You aren't even looking, Eliseo!"

"Ugh," He rolled his eyes and looked at the piece Xavier was pointing at, "That's not even her birthstone."

"I know, but it's taking forever, I've decided to just broaden the search. What about this?" he held up a ring.

"That is a men's ring, Xavier."

"Let's go to another store."

"Christ, man. You're buying me food."

"Excuse me, can you ring this up?"

"What are you...?" he tossed the little bag at me. "What is this?"

"Will that stop your bitching?" I opened the back to see the August stone silver ring I had vetoed. I put it on.

"No, but food will."

Xavier's POV

After I fed the winy little brat, I dropped him off and headed home.

The driver opened the door for me, and I went to the kitchen where I saw Lenny at the fridge, gathering food for his cave.

"I see you made it home okay." He looked at me and then behind him.


"Who else?"

"Oh, um...yeah I got a ride home from Imogen."

"So, you two have grown pretty close?"

"Yeah, she's really cool."

"Tell me about her."


"Tell me about Imogen, what is she like?"

"Well...she's really nice...and she likes reading, and music and stuff. She doesn't like to cook."

"Has she said if she's interested in anyone?"

"No, she hasn't. Is that all?" He seemed to be in a hurry.

Where did he have to go?

All he was going to do all day, was hide in his room.

"Sure." He had nothing valuable, anyway.

Before he could walk away, I remembered something.

"Wait, how was your guys' sleepover? Did she say anything about last night?"

"No... what would she have said?"

"Nothing, never mind."

"Xavier! Is that you?" My father called.

"Bye," Lenny said as he scurried upstairs.

Making my way to my father's office, I saw he was there with my mother.

"How was it? Did you make any progress with her?"

"Not really, I mean we had a longer conversation than usual, but it still ended in rejection."

"What's the hold-up? Girls usually flock to you."

"I'm not sure."

"What if you buy her a nice gift?" My mother suggested.

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