You Know "Those" Shorts

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Imogen's POV

We had come up with a plan to rescue the girls.

I brought up the idea in a meeting, however it was not I that came up with it. It was Bella.

The original plans the elders came up with revolved around Amon. First, taking him out. Then saving the girls, however that is exactly what everyone would expect.

After all, who cares about a bunch of captive girls, when Amon's money power and capital are so much more valuable?

Who cares about useless prisoners when the big bag wolf is out and about.

Well we do of course.

We care so much, we've decided to add to their collection.

They're getting about two dozen new women, the likes of which they've never seen.

Myself being one of them.

Or at least that's what I was hoping for. Then again I would've been as naive as a flower if I thought it'd be easy to convince the family.

"Absolutely not. Why would you even want to put yourself in that position in the first place? Do you know what goes on in that house? What happens to those girls?"

"I want to go in for the same reasons the other women are going in. For the same reasons we're rescuing them in the first place, Aldo."

"I don't care how heartless this sounds Imogen, I don't care about those girls as much as I care about you and your safety."

"I second that."


"Fourth." The others added on.

"She can clearly take care of herself and it's not like this isn't a well thought out and organized plan." Eliseo defended. However I could not overlook that it probably has less to do with support, and more to do with putting me in a basket down the river.

But alas he was pushing my agenda.

"Look guys, we still have time to plan this out, nothing is happening today or even tomorrow-"

"Damn right it's not." Dario interrupted.

"As I was saying...maybe we can use my status to our advantage here."

"What status?"

"My status is this apparent Mafia Princess. This coveted little box I've been put in as a defenseless, porcelain doll. Everyone wants me, and not necessarily to kill me but to take you guys down. I mean not even you guys thought I could take care of myself."

"She's got a point." Iggy added. "Those goons who broke in didn't even see their demise coming."

"And those dudes at the mall didn't even had time to register." I smiled. They all stared at me curiously.

"What guys at the mall? When? Where?"

"Anyways I need to go brainstorm, and your guys' zippers down." I noted no one in particular.

Heading downstairs and out the door, narrowly escaping another interrogation.

I needed to update my own inter circle. Seeing as Lenny and Bella, like myself, were not deemed worthy enough for the grown up meeting with the rest of the family due to our...

What is it exactly that rules us out?

Being too good-looking?

I can't be too sure.

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