Little Play Thing

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Imogen's POV

"Amon Yasin."

"Egyptian?" I asked Dario.

"Sounds like it. They call him The King."


"Of course they do. Why not something at least a little less basic, like Pharaoh."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"Kind of, but at least it's something different. Every man thinks of himself as a king." He chuckled.

"At least we got a name."

"That's true."

"How did you get it anyway?"

"Don't ask. If you weren't there, it was a good call."

"Do you think you'll be getting any more information from him?"

"Tomorrow, not now. Have one of your men bring him some food. Something good, and tell him it was a reward for being helpful."

"What about the driver? Are you going to question him?"

"No, not yet."

"Well then, in the meantime you can skip school on Friday, or at least leave early."


"Did you forget about the ball?"


"You did."

"Isn't it going to be the same people as last time? They already know me, can't I miss one?"

"No, this guest list consists of the more non-law-abiding crowd."

"I mean I guess that's a good reason, whatever."

"Are you going to be home today after school?"

"Yeah, Lenny, Bella, and I are going to hang out."

"You've been hanging out with them a lot lately. Don't you have anything you want to do school-wise? Like clubs or sports?"

"I mean yeah, I liked wrestling but I may have to take a break from that."


"Just because, and besides now I have more time to help out with the mafia stuff."

"You don't have to sacrifice anything like that for the sake of the business."

"I don't have to, I want to. It's not like I was planning on going pro or anything, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

Sometimes Dario could be annoying.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright then, do you want to come to do a puzzle in my room tonight?"

"Sure, let me know when."

Truth be told, I really didn't have a problem quitting wrestling. I had too much on my plate right now with training, training others, and investigating the pirate pricks.

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