Smoothie Kisses and Roof Giggles

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It's 6:30 am, and I want to die.

But I'll do that later.

Me and Papa Bear have just finished our workout and I'm beat.

One thing's for sure is that he definitely worked for those muscles.

After showering and getting dressed for school I went down to an empty kitchen.

I guess I'm the first one down.

I decided to be an angel and do something nice...for Aldo anyway.

I gathered the ingredients for a smoothie.

As I finished, I heard rumbles on the stairs.

"Oooo smoothies." I smacked Adami's away.

"Nope, these are for me and Aldo."

"No fair, why does he get one?"

"They're a treat after our workout this morning."


"You worked out with Aldo?" Eliseo asked.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?"

"He wakes up way too early and works us way too hard. We stopped working out with him years ago."

"Maybe that's why I could so easily bend your fingers like Twizzlers."

"Whatever. I bet you just did yoga or something while he lifted."

"Keep testing my patience and I'll show you exactly how much yoga I did."

The boys all sat down to eat breakfast. Except for Aldo.

"Where's Aldo?"

"Probably in his room or office, finishing up on paperwork."

"Leaving in five!"

"Wait for me, I'll be right back." I went to find Aldo.

I knocked on his office door and nothing, I went to his room door and knocked, no answer.

I opened it and heard the shower running.

This is the first time I had been in or even seen his room.

It was huge.

But his bed was ginormous. I put his smoothie down, removed my shoes, and belly-flopped on it. It was so warm and cool, firm, and soft all at the same time. I could feel myself giving in to the great beyond.

"Shouldn't you be leaving for school?" I lifted my head to look at him, he had a towel around his waist, and another was used to dry his hair.

"Shouldn't you be on the cover of Men's Fitness or GQ magazine?" He laughed and went to his dresser then into his closet. A few moments later he came out with pants on.

"Here, I made you a smoothie, but you didn't come down." I held out the smoothie to him, but he didn't take it.

He looked at the smoothie, then at me, then the smoothie again.

"You made me a smoothie?"

"Yes..." I answer confused.

"Thank you." He finally took it and took a sip.

"Mmm." I smiled.

"I know, right?"

"It's delicious, sorellina. Now go get ready for school." I hopped off the best and put on my shoes.

Just as I was headed out his door, he grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Have a good day at school." He then kissed me on my forehead.

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