Try-Outs and Try-Hards

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"Good morning, Angel." He was closing his locker and his eyes traveled down to my neck. "Where is your necklace?"

"About that, I can't accept it." I pulled it out of my pocket. "I'm not interested in you and taking this from you would be sending the wrong message. So here."


"No, what?"

"Keep it."


"Because I bought it for you, what use would I have for it?"

"Well even if I did keep this, it doesn't mean I'm going to go out with you."

"Just give me a reason, Angel."

"Not that I have to, but I've already told you I'm just not interested."

"Why are you so insistent on saying no? You'll eventually say yes."

"Why are you so persistent?" This was becoming ridiculous. Would he still want me if I wasn't his betrothed? If I wasn't mafia affiliated? This dude doesn't even know me, and he's so convinced that I'm the one for him.

He took my hand.

"Because from the moment I saw you, I knew I wanted to make you mine. You have this fire inside you, you're beautiful, caring, confident. You're perfect. I just want to treat you like a queen."

"Xavier, I don't need you to treat me like a queen, I am a queen. You don't want me, you barely know. What happens when I don't fit your fantasy? I don't know what possessed you to think that I'm your one true love, but I'm not. I'm sorry."

I grabbed his hand to put the box in it.

"Just keep it."

"Xavier if I keep it, I'll sell it."

"Then sell it." He gave me a smile, then walked away.


He seemed a little too calm, for someone so sure he was in love with me, he took that very well.

On guard, Imogen.

Walking the halls without Lenny attached to me was like coming to school without a backpack.

While my brothers were at practice, I made my way to the gym, for tryouts.

There were a few other girls there as well, I would've liked to do some weightlifting beforehand to analyze some of the competition, but alas, I must prepare for the unexpected.

"Hi, I'm Imogen Almeria, and I'm trying out for the team."

"Almeria as in the brothers?" I asked, approaching the coach.

"No, I'm not familiar, I'm still a bit new here." I didn't want to get by or be discriminated against because of the family relation, I'd tell him eventually.

"Alright, go ahead and dress out, then meet back here so I can weigh you."

Every time I entered this locker room, I looked at that spot on the floor near the showers where I had my rendezvous with Kiara. Everyone just walking past it.

I snort and laugh.

If only they knew.

I enter the gym, after changing, and start to stretch.

"Alright ladies, come up on the scale, let's get this over with quick, no shoes." When it became my turn, I stepped up on the scale. "170 lbs."

Most of the girls here were sort of slim, thick, some were more muscular than others, some were tall, short, and there were those girls that looked like they had no muscles until they flexed. I continued to stretch until everyone was finished.

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