Dinner Theater

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Meow ;)

Lenny's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror, well tried to anyway, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I replayed what happened repeatedly in my head, it felt really good.

The way she touched me, the way she guided me.

I had always been taught and told that the man took charge and from what I'd seen in my brother's porn history when it's a guy and a girl, she's supposed to ride him.

None of what Imogen does makes sense to me, and I'm glad it doesn't because if I could I'd do it again.

"Lenny, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just cleaning up."

I flushed the toilet and came out to see her laying on the bed just as before.

"Do you want to talk about it? Because we can?"

"There's nothing to talk about." And I meant that I was fine, no, I was great.

Man, I wish I had an extra friend to blab to about this.

"Alright, well, let's try and sleep. There are only like 4 hours left before we have to get up."

Xavier's POV, Next Day, Friday

"You nervous?"


"Look, I'm sure you wouldn't do this in public if you weren't at least decent, and besides this is a Café open-mic-night, they didn't pay for it."

"Gee thanks."

"I'm just saying, and if it's about the Yvonne thing, the worst she can say is no. Then on to the next girl."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I am. Now eat your cookie, it'll calm you down."

Eliseo was finally letting me meet his crush and hear him perform.

I won't lie, I'm a little nervous for him.

"E. Almeria you're up!"


"You're fine, now go on up there and steal some hearts."

"In case she says no, have a getaway car started please."

"Wait. Which one is she?"

"Promise you won't talk to her until later?"


"Right there." He pointed to a cute barista at the counter. She had short curly black hair and olive skin. Oh, yeah, she was a heartbreaker.

But nothing compared to my queen.

"Hi, everyone I'm Eliseo and this is a song I wrote very recently. I hope you enjoy it."

~ ~ ~

"You were great, man!"

"You think so?"

"Yes, but you have to stop sweating so much." I handed him a napkin.

"Do you think she liked it?"

"Only one way to find out, on to phase two." I pushed him in her direction, and he glared at me. Sitting with my back to them, I listened from my booth.

"Eliseo, you sounded so good."

"Thanks, Yvonne, um...I wanted to ask you something."


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