Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

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It was the day I had been waiting all week for, and the day my Lenny had been dreading.


"Please remind me why you invited my family to dinner again?" His head in my lap.

Lenny and I were on the roof again, after some greasing of the cranks, I had gotten him to understand that touch was my love language, and he was in no way bothering me with his physical contact.

"Because, kitten, I want to see how you and your family interact. You're my best friend, and I want to understand how you are with your family."

"But I already told you."

"I know, I know, and I want to know them for my own reasons. I mean your family is close with mine, this dinner was bound to happen."

"I guess." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"What are you so worried about anyway? You already told me the gist."

"I just...I don't want to..." Let him go at his own pace, I stayed quiet. "I don't want anything they say to drive you away."

"Lenny, nothing could drive me away from you. Not your morning breath, not you drooling on me in your sleep, not even your fat head cutting off blood flow to my legs."

"You're mean." He pouted.

"You love me."



"Yes maybe, I'm still trying to decide." I silently glared at him, then pounced.

"No! Wait!"

I showed no mercy as I straddled him and tickled him relentlessly. He squirmed and tried his best to cover his vulnerable areas.

"Tell me you love me!"

"I-Imogen...Please!" He wheezed out.

"Imogen! I..." All that could be heard was his giggling.


"I'm going to pee!" I didn't let up.

"That's not really my kink, but I'll try anything once."


"Say it kitten." I teased.

"I love you." He choked out.

"I can't hear you."

"I love you!"

"That's more like it." I smiled.

He looked so cute when he was out of breath with his face all red.

I ran my thumb down his jawline and cupped his cheek.

Catching his breath, he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Your eyes are beautiful Lenny."

They widened.

"S-So are yours."

His skin was like warm satin. The way he looked at me, gave me butterflies. I could only imagine what he was feeling.

I saw him swallow hard and bite his lip.

Beautiful red lips.

If it weren't for that stupid bell.

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