Chapter 9

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A/N: Oh look! I managed to upload a new chapter! I don't know if I should be proud of myself or if I should be mad...

Maybe both?

It took me way too long to update this and I honestly have no real reason. 

Whenever I tried to sit down and write this chapter I just.... I dunno... Gave up? All the motivation I had the moment I started on this update just went out the window. And I honestly don't know why my motivation have been so low lately. 

But I managed to write this and I know it is not the same as how it goes in the show but I can't really do that now right? Not with how this story really goes. 

If that is annoying to you than... I don't know why you stuck around to read this. I'm not forcing you. 

But if you don't care than I guess it's fine? 

To be honest, I forgot for a while where I was going with this story... Even though it is a Re-writen version.

Anyway! I've been talking too much, enjoy this weird shit!


"Soooo...." Sonic started as he kept his gaze on the ocean, the light waves that crashed up on the shore seemed to be very interesting to the blue hedgehog in that moment. "How do you know this other version of me, in your Universe that is" Sonic finished as he turned his head to focus on Shadow, said hedgehog had gone back to flip through his notebook.

"Besides having fought against Eggman with him and even helped Sonic save the planet? I really don't" Shadow calmly explained as he moved his gaze to focus on the blue hedgehog next to him. Sonic felt his own body stiffen under Shadow's gaze, it felt like Shadow had managed to look straight through him and it freaked Sonic out a bit.

"I take it you don't like Eggman then?" Sonic couldn't help but tilt his head slightly to the side as he asked the question, he also couldn't stop himself from smiling at the ebony hedgehog.
Shadow couldn't help but roll his eyes at the question, before turning his focus to the horizon.

"No. For someone with such high IQ, he is really stupid" Shadow answered before he rubbed his eyes in annoyance, something that Sonic was quick to notice.

"Can't argue with that..." Sonic mumbled as he started looking around, the fact that he had forgotten about the fact that he was currently letting Eggman stay with him made the blue hedgehog a bit jumpy. Sonic suddenly felt the urge to want to locate Eggman, just to make sure that he wasn't up to something. Well, he probably was but still. Sonic wanted to keep an eye on Eggman, just in case.

"You honestly don't believe his lies?" Shadow asked the moment he noticed that Sonic looked around, like the blue blur was trying his hardest not to lose sight of Eggman. It, almost, reminded Shadow of a mother who was trying to locate her missing child.
Although Shadow did not voice that thought out loud.

"Huh? Oh! I mean... Maybe? He hasn't done anything yet..." Sonic tried to find a good reason to why he was doing this, something that really caught the blue blur by surprise. "What makes you so sure he is lying?" Sonic quickly asked as he looked over at Shadow.

"Seriously? This may be a different version of the Eggman I know but they're still the same person. Don't tell me you didn't notice the look in his eyes" Shadow answered as he watched Sonic, the blue hedgehog was currently trying his best to find a more comfortable position on the lounger but it was a losing battle. Soon enough, Sonic gave up and just stood up.

Adventures with a BOOM (Re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now