Chapter 13

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A/N: I have like 5 different versions of this chapter but I decided to go with this one, I might use the other versions later on in the story though. I just felt like this one was the best option, I might have been wrong though. 

Anyway, I'm not going to use all of the episodes from Sonic BOOM. Mainly because I don't like all of them, seriously some of those episodes were so boring I almost fell asleep watching them. 

Maybe I'm just getting old... 

Oh well, enjoy! 

Sonic had no idea how long he had been asleep but he did know that he, probably, hadn't slept enough. His body felt heavy, like every bone in his body was made out of lead. Every time he moved his head, he would get dizzy. And he, almost, couldn't open his eyes. Every time he tried, it felt like his eyes had been glued shut.
Just as the blue blur was going to give up and go back to sleep, the sound of low mumbling caught his attention. Blue eyelids flew open, revealing confused emerald green eyes. His eyes soon found who was making all that noise.
Shadow, who was still asleep, was half talking in his sleep while his arms and legs moved. Making it look like the ebony hedgehog was trying to fight someone off, while also trying to run away.
But before Sonic could even try to wake up the ebony hedgehog from his, obvious, nightmare. A loud scream escaped Shadow before ebony eyelids flew open, revealing crimson red eyes. Shadow quickly sat up in the hammock, his red eyes scanned the room he was in for any sign of danger, only to be reminded that he was stuck in this weird Dimension/Universe. With a long sigh, Shadow let his body fall back down on the hammock. This was not how he wanted to start this day.

"Uh..." One of Shadow's ears twitched at the sound, a sign that he was listening. "A-Are you.... Okay?" Sonic carefully asked as his green eyes never left the ebony hedgehog. Who was slowly regaining his senses after the intense dream.

"No" Shadow found himself admitting after a long silence. He really didn't want to talk about what had happened in his dream, but he also knew that he was far too anxious at the moment to think of a believable lie.

"That must have been one hell of a nightmare..." Sonic mumbled low to himself, he may not have known just what Shadow had been dreaming but a part of him really didn't want to know.

"Sometimes I really wish it was just a nightmare" Shadow found himself saying as he sat back up and swung his legs down, letting his hover skates hit the floor. Because yes, he had forgotten to remove them.

"What do you mean?" Sonic asked as he sat up on the couch, letting his feet touch the floor.

"I really don't want to talk about it" Shadow answered in a calm, yet very angry tone. Shadow wasn't even looking at the blue blur, but Sonic still felt a cold chill run down his spine.
Sonic kept his gaze on the ebony hedgehog, he tried his best to try and figure out just what Shadow had meant by that. Only to notice the pure rage in Shadow's crimson eyes. But the more Sonic looked, the more he could also notice the hint of fear.
Whatever Shadow had been dreaming about, it was enough to make him as angry as he was terrified.

"That bad, huh?" The question seemed more like a statement, though Shadow really didn't care either way. His past would stay between himself and G.U.N., no matter how much Shadow wanted to make them forget about him. Then maybe, just maybe, he could have a normal life.
Well, as normal as you can make it when you live forever.

"You don't know the half of it..." Shadow found himself saying, he knew he really shouldn't talk about any of this. But a part of him was so sick and tired of pretending like he was fine. When, in reality, his head was so messed up that even he didn't trust it.
One moment everything would be fine and in the next, Shadow found himself screaming on the inside. It was, almost, like something was trying to tear him apart from the inside. And there was nothing he could do about it.

Adventures with a BOOM (Re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now