Chapter 15

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 Shadow took one quick look around the small room and just as he was about to turn around and walk out the same way they had come from, he could see what looked like a small shadow move in front of them. Slowly Shadow walked over to the area where he had seen something move, he could feel a small breeze.
With a sigh Shadow turned back around and noticed that Sonic seemed to watch his every move.

"And what are you staring at?" Shadow hadn't meant for his tone to sound so harsh, but he really wasn't in the mood for any of this.
Sonic, who obviously had been deep in thought, jumped slightly when he heard Shadow speak.

"Oh! Uh... Nothing? I was just wondering what you were doing"

"Trying to find a way out and since I can't find one, I'm going to make one" At first Sonic didn't understand what Shadow had meant, until he noticed the half crumbling wall behind the ebony hedgehog.
The moment Sonic realized just what Shadow was up to, he could feel the color drain from his face as he slowly walked over to Shadow.

"And what if this place collapses over our heads?"

"It is bound to do that at some point. And I am not going to stand around and wait for that to happen. You want to try your luck somewhere else, be my guest" Again, Shadow sounded a lot angrier than he actually was. But the ever-growing fear of staying here for too long and then get blamed for the consequences made every minute, even every second, feel like a whole lifetime.

What if Shadow couldn't find a way back and the very fabric of time and space gets destroyed? Or, he somehow does end up finding a way home. Only to find his Dimension/Universe so badly damaged that thousands, maybe even millions, were dead? Either way, he would be blamed. Even if he told the Commander time and time again, that it was a bad idea to attempt to build a time machine. No one would believe him.

Shadow shook his head as he walked closer to the wall. Ruby eyes scanned the wall for a weak point, and he quickly saw it. Luckily for him, there was a small hole in the wall. With enough force, the wall would come crashing down. Still, Shadow was trying to be careful. One wrong move and the whole thing would come crashing down on top of them, and the ebony hedgehog didn't feel like being crushed.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing..." Sonic mumbled low to himself as he looked around. He could feel how he started to get restless, which was always a bad sign. The blue blur knew he could never stand still in one place for too long, it was just too boring.

Before Sonic could even try to talk Shadow out of his plan, though Sonic himself had no idea just what Shadow was planning. The ebony hedgehog was now standing right in front of the crumbling wall, Shadow rolled his shoulders before pulled his left arm back and punched the wall.
The punch was so strong Shadow ended up sending pieces of the wall flying so far back they crashed into the trees, some trees were even knocked to the ground. Sonic could feel his jaw drop, he had no idea just how strong Shadow was. And before Sonic could recover from the shock, Shadow had grabbed his arm and pulled Sonic along as he walked out of the large hole. Just as the two of them had gotten a few feet away from the temple, the roof came crashing down.
The noise was, almost, deafening to Shadow and his sensitive ears. It was enough to make him flinch slightly, though he tried his best not to let it show. Sonic hadn't noticed Shadow flinch, his gaze was focused on the collapsed temple they had just been in. And he couldn't help but wonder if Shadow had made it collapse faster, or if it really was just a matter of time.

"Oh... Well..." Sonic started as he looked over his shoulder to stare at collapsed temple. "Glad I'm not in there anymore" The moment Sonic said that, Shadow stopped in his tracks at stared at the blue hedgehog as he let go of Sonic's arm.

"Now you're happy to be out of there?! That place could have fallen on our heads earlier! Then what?!" Shadow didn't want to start yelling, but the stress of being stuck in a different Universe/Dimension was starting to get to him.
Shadow let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his quills, he needed to calm down before he did something really stupid. Like accidentally using too much Chaos Energy, which could result in him getting drained and he was not in the mood to die like that.

"I'm sorry..." Sonic really didn't know what else to say, he knew that it was a bad idea to explore abandoned temples like the one they had just been in. But at the same time, Sonic never could ignore the possibility of an adventure.

"When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours that I don't have time for any of this?!" At this point, Shadow was glaring daggers at Sonic. Causing Sonic to take a step back as fear washed over him.
Shadow may be smaller than the blue blur but at that moment, Sonic felt smaller under Shadow's intense glare.

"Look, I'm sorry alright? But, in case you forgot. This, none of this, is normal to me. And this is how I deal with stress"

"What? Treating it like a joke?" Shadow didn't even notice that he had walked closer to Sonic, causing the blue blur to back up even more.

"If I don't get home soon, everything you know will be erased. Do you want that to happen?" At this point, Shadow didn't even know why he kept putting so much pressure on Sonic. It wasn't Sonic's fault, nor was it his responsibility to fix this. It was Shadow's responsibility.

"No.." Sonic had a hard time even speaking at this point. His emerald green eyes were focused on Shadow's ruby red eyes, Sonic could even feel his own fear grow. It was like a part of him wanted to run. Every part of him screamed at him to run. But he couldn't. For the first time, Sonic was paralyzed with fear.

Shadow knew he needed to calm down before he did something he would regret. But calming down was easier said than done. Shadow growled as he turned on his heel, took a few steps away from Sonic so he wouldn't get caught in the blast, and as Shadow felt the Chaos Energy build up in his core. All he could do was scream.
And as he screamed, Sonic noticed the red aura around Shadow. But before Sonic could react, Shadow shot up into the air and it almost look like he exploded. As a red shockwave shot out around Shadow, stretching on for miles as it devastated the land around Shadow.
Sonic felt his eyes grow wide as he quickly shielded himself. And just as quickly as it happened, the dust settled and all Sonic could see was the devastation.

"What.." Sonic heard himself mumble as he scanned the area, a part of him was still worried about Shadow.
The moment Sonic spotted him, he felt how his heart stopped in his chest.
There, in the middle of the devastation, stood Shadow. The red aura was still around him, and his eyes seemed to glow as he stared at Sonic. Anger, confusion and fear was all Sonic noticed as he stared into Shadow's eyes.

"If you keep treating this as a joke, I swear. I won't move away next time, and I'll Chaos Blast you and this whole place to dust. Either help me" Shadow started as he slowly walked over to Sonic. "Or stay the fuck away from me" Shadow finished before he walked past Sonic, and walk away from the blue blur. 

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