Chapter 10

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The two hedgehogs had no idea how long they had been sitting on the couch, well Shadow was sitting on the couch while Sonic was, more or less, lying down. It honestly didn't look that comfortable, seeing that Sonic's legs was hanging off the side of the couch. Like the lower half of his body was sitting down, while his upper body was lying down.
The sight was enough to make Shadow want to get up, just so Sonic could pull his legs up on the couch and get a bit more comfortable.
But Shadow never had the chance to move, just as the thought had crossed his mind the front door flung open and in walked Amy. Followed closely by Eggman and his two robots.
The moment Sonic noticed them, he quickly sat back up as a deep frown appeared on his face. The blue blur was really starting to enjoy not having Eggman around and just like that, the fat human walked through his front door like he owned the place.

"There, now why don't you sit down Eggman. I'll still be here, to make sure nothing happens" Amy warned as her eyes met Shadow's. Although the ebony hedgehog didn't care, he just rolled his eyes at Amy's attempt at being intimidating.
All Sonic did was letting out a groan as he put his head in his hands, he really didn't want to be here right now.

It took a while, but they eventually managed to sit down.
Amy had grabbed a chair from the kitchen to sit down on, while Shadow had moved to stand by the window. He didn't want to sit down anymore but, really, he wanted to keep a close eye on Eggman. Which was easier to do from a distance.
Sonic on the other hand, was still sitting on the couch. This time, Eggman was sitting down next to Sonic. Though with an empty seat between them.

"Okay, now Sonic. I believe you had something you wanted to share with Eggman?" Amy's tone was gentle, like she was trying her best to keep the situation under control.

"Yes, well..." Sonic began as he scratched the left side of his face. It was then Shadow noticed the mischievous glint that flashed for a split second in Sonic's emerald green eyes. The blue blur was obviously up to something.

"How do I say this delicately..." At this point, Sonic was just dragging it out for effect. And Shadow seemed to be the only one who noticed that. "You're a horrible roommate and no one in this house likes you" Sonic stated flatly, his voice held no emotion and the fact that Sonic had been so casual about it caught Shadow off guard. It was almost enough to make the ebony hedgehog start laughing.

"Let's frame our statements a bit better, shall we?" Amy quickly spoke up as she glared at Sonic, anger flashed across her eyes for a split second.

"Like this: When you do this, it makes me feel like this" Amy slowly explained, as she looked between Sonic and Eggman. Not even caring about Shadow anymore.

"Ugh, fine.... Okay..." Sonic spoke up, before he let out a sigh as he scanned the room. "When you live here it makes me feel angry" Sonic finished as he looked at Eggman. Only for the bored expression that Sonic had on his face to turn into one of slight anger.

"Because you're a horrible roommate and no one in this house likes you" Sonic quickly added, which caused Amy to look at Sonic with a disappointed look. While Shadow didn't really care, he just wanted this to be over with so he could go back to what he was doing.

But before anyone could say anything else, Eggman started crying. Shadow knew right away that it was fake, mostly because Eggman didn't even look at anyone. He was just hiding his face, an obvious sign that he just didn't want anyone to notice that he wasn't really crying.
However, Amy seemed to believe Eggman. Seeing as her eyes softened a bit before she got up from the chair and walked over to Eggman so she could place a comforting hand on the man's shoulder.

"I must be dreaming..." Shadow thought to himself as he just watched the whole thing unfold. He really had no idea how to react.

"Sonic" Amy started as she glared angrily at Sonic. Her tone held anger but Shadow could tell that she was still trying her best to not get worked up. "I think someone here could go with two spoons of forgiveness, washed down with a tall glass of friendship" The pink hedgehog quickly added.

"Oh, you must be kidding me..?" Shadow mumbled low to himself, though it was loud enough for Sonic to hear him.

"Don't you think?" Amy finished her gaze never left Sonic, as she started at the blue hedgehog.

At first, Sonic didn't say anything. He just glared between Amy and Eggman, before he let out a sigh as he turned his head to look at Shadow.
The ebony hedgehog just stared daggers at Amy, the pure anger in those red eyes was enough to make a chill run down Sonic's spine. Sonic had never seen anyone look that angry before.
With a groan Sonic tilted his head back as he rubbed his forehead, this was going to be a really bad idea and he knew it.

"Fine..." Sonic said through gritted teeth, and he could almost feel the smile from Amy's face. "But! If you mess up one more time, I want you out of my home. Is that clear?" Sonic quickly added as he looked back at Eggman, the anger in his eyes was enough to make both Amy and Eggman freeze up for a minute.

"Okay!" Eggman quickly agreed, he had seen the blue hedgehog be angry before but the human did not want to see that anger at the moment.

"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Amy said as she looked between Sonic and Eggman, not even caring that Shadow was also in the room.
When no one said anything else, Amy walked over to the chair she had been sitting in and picked it up and carried it back into the kitchen.
When that was done, the pink hedgehog said goodbye to them before she left.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" Sonic asked as he looked at Shadow with a defeated look in his eyes. All Shadow did was nod, he knew all too well that this was a bad idea.

"Great..." Sonic mumbled as Eggman got up from the couch.
When Sonic was the only one left on the couch, he laid down on the couch and let yet another sigh escape him.

"Why didn't you try to talk me out of it?" Sonic asked as he stared at nothing, he wanted to look at Shadow but at the same time he knew that he couldn't read Shadow. No matter how hard he tried.

"Because you wouldn't listen to me" The answer was short, something that seemed to make Sonic a bit angrier.
Not at Shadow, but at this whole situation.

"But you have to live with it too!" Sonic whined, which was enough to make an amused grin appear on Shadow's face.

"No, it doesn't" Shadow started as he looked out the window. "If Eggman bothers me too much, I'll just leave. I don't live here, in case you forgot" Shadow added as he heard Sonic sit up again on the couch.

"So, what? You'll just leave me to deal with..." Sonic started as he looked around, only to notice that Eggman was doing something in the kitchen. "...That" Sonic added as he quickly got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen.

Shadow couldn't help but laugh a bit to himself as he watched Sonic disappear into the kitchen, to check just what Eggman was doing.

"Of course, I would" 

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