Chapter 23

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Back with Shadow

Shadow stopped flying the moment he felt the energy move down, as his gaze followed the flow of the Chaos Energy his gaze landed on a pond. A pond that was right below him. Which meant only one thing, whatever was sending out the Chaos Energy was in the pond.
Shadow couldn't help but groan, he really didn't feel like getting drenched. But, at the same time, he knew that he wouldn't be able to relax until he found out just what was sending out the Chaos Energy.
Shadow inhaled sharply through his nose, before he let his shoes die out. Causing his body to fall down towards the pond, and as Shadow got closer and closer to the surface. He took a deep breath, just before his body went under the water.
And all Sonic could do was stare, as the ebony hedgehog fell into the water. Somehow managing to do a perfect dive.

"What is he up too?" Sonic thought as he walked closer to the pond. The blue blur had stopped running the moment he notice how Shadow seemed to just hoover in the air. He only moved closer the moment he saw Shadow fall towards the ground.

Shadow was not aware of that though; his focus was on the Chaos Energy that seemed to force him deeper into the pond. Which was, somehow, deeper than Shadow originally thought. Not that it really mattered, Shadow could hold his breath for a long time.
The deeper into the pond Shadow got, the stronger the Chaos Energy waves got. It jolted his muscles, yet it sent a warmth through his whole body. And the closer he got, the stronger the sensation got.
After a while, Shadow could easily spot what was sending out the Chaos Energy.

A fucking Chaos Emerald.

Was buried deep beneath the pond, covered in stones. Making it hard to see it, at first. Relief washed over Shadow for the first time since he ended up in this strange Dimension. Shadow quickly swam over to the glowing Emerald, and started digging it out from the stones. The moment the Emerald was in his hand, it started glowing brighter as Chaos Energy flooded his systems.
With a grin, Shadow put his feet against the bottom of the pond and pushed his body up. Swimming up towards the surface.

While Shadow was still under the water, Sonic kept his gaze on the surface. He tried his hardest to see if he could spot the ebony hedgehog, but he couldn't see a thing.
Sonic could feel himself getting worried, he had never seen anyone be under water for this long.
Just as Sonic was starting to panic, Shadow burst up from the surface. Taking a deep breath has he looked around, ruby red eyes locked onto emerald green and Shadow couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Why did you..." Sonic started, as he watched Shadow get out of the pond. But the words died in his throat when he noticed just how drenched Shadow was. The ebony hedgehog was so drenched even his quills were pointing down, almost touching the ground.
Shadow quickly looked around once more and before Sonic could ask anything else, Shadow walked over to him and grabbed his arm. Causing Sonic to look at him in confusion, though he didn't have time to ask just what Shadow was up to.

"Chaos Control!" And in a flash of green, the two hedgehogs ended up back in Sonic's hut. The moment Shadow let go of Sonic's arm, the blue blur fell down onto the floor with 'thud' as his head started spinning.

"W-What was that?!" Sonic half yelled as he put his head in his hands, and let out a groan as he could feel himself wanting to throw up.

"Chaos Control. I teleported us back to your home."


"It's not easy for me to run while my quills are down." Shadow explained before he walked off to grab a towel. The quicker he could get himself dry, the better.

"R-Right." Sonic didn't really feel like comment on that, he was far too busy with trying to get the room to stop spinning.
After a few minutes, it subsided and he was able to see that he was, indeed, back home. Confused, and slightly impressed, Sonic looked around the room. Quickly noticing Shadow, as the ebony hedgehog was busy drying himself off.

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