Chapter 11

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A/N: This chapter took a bit longer to finish, only because I got too caught up in a conversation with a friend on Discord. Also, it is currently 5 minutes passed 1 am.... What the fuck am I still doing up? I gotta get up for work in 4 hours.... 

However, this chapter is also a bit longer. 

I'm still trying to figure out if I should keep the chapters shorter to make this story a bit longer, or if I should write longer chapters but risk making this story shorter. 

I still don't know yet...

Anway, enjoy this chapter!


For the rest of the day, nothing interesting really happened. Eggman stopped his silly pillow fights, much to Sonic's relief. And every time Shadow was in the same room, Eggman was quick to leave. The human did not even dare to be in the same room as the ebony hedgehog, which was a bit amusing to Shadow.
At one point, Shadow had even made sure he was hidden from Eggman's view and right as Eggman relaxed at the thought that Shadow wasn't around. Shadow would appear out of nowhere, causing the human to get so afraid he literally jumped backwards. Right before walking, well more like running, away from Shadow.
Sonic even noticed when that happened and, of course, Sonic couldn't help but laugh at Eggman.

"Oh man, that was pretty funny" Sonic spoke up, right before he started laughing. Shadow didn't respond, he just watched the human disappear out of sight. The moment Eggman was gone, Shadow let out a frustrated sigh as he ran a hand through his quills.

"What's wrong?" The blue blur quickly asked the moment he noticed the worried look on Shadow's face, it was easy to notice that something was clearly bothering the ebony hedgehog.

"I can't figure it out..." Shadow started he didn't even look at Sonic. Instead, his ruby red eyes were focused on the ground. "I've gone over every possible theory to get home, and nothing works..." Shadow finished as he slowly sat down, ignoring the fact that he might end up getting sand in his fur.

Sonic didn't know what to say, or do in that moment. All he could do was stare down at Shadow.
The ebony hedgehog in question, looked broken. In lack of better words.
Shadow's body was hunched forward, with his head in his hands. And just as Sonic managed to notice the defeated look in Shadow's eyes, the ebony hedgehog stood back up.
And just like that, Shadow looked like he was fine again. Much to Sonic's surprise.

"How do you do that?" Sonic found himself asking, he hadn't meant to ask the question out loud but he really couldn't help it.

"Do what?" Shadow asked as he turned his head to look at Sonic, which meant he had to look up slightly. The ebony hedgehog had forgotten for a while that this version of Sonic was, indeed, a bit taller than him.

"Act like nothing's wrong" As soon as Shadow heard that, he crossed his arms over his chest as he looked around.

"Because worrying, or stress over this situation. Won't make it better" Shadow started as he looked back at Sonic. "I've learned the hard way that it's easier to find a solution if you stay calm. If I start stressing and worrying about not finding a way back home. Then I might go for the first solution, which could not be the best one" Shadow finished, and Shadow quickly noticed the look in Sonic's eyes.
The blue blur looked, almost, amazed.

"...Huh... Didn't think about that" Sonic mumbled low to himself as he noticed Eggman walking towards them. Though the blue hedgehog could easily notice the terrified look on the human's face.

After that, Eggman had insisted that they start hanging out. Watching movies, playing games. That sort of thing. Sonic didn't mind, at first, since it was the best way to also keep an eye on Eggman.
Shadow though, hated it. He knew right away that Eggman was up to something. Just from the look on his face. But Shadow didn't comment on it. Instead, he just went along with it. The ebony hedgehog decided to just watch and see what Eggman was really up to.

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