Chapter 7

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Shadow had no idea how long he had been walking or how far, all he cared about was getting as far away from this version of Sonic as possible. Before he revealed too much.
The ebony hedgehog stared up at the sky as he came to a stop, letting a sigh escape his lips. He was wasting time. He knew that and yet, he had no idea what to do next.
Shadow had a feeling that this world did not have Chaos Energy. After all, he couldn't feel any around him. But, more importantly, Sonic had asked about it. Had Chaos Energy existed here, then the blue blur would not have asked.
And Shadow would be able to sense the Chaos Energy.

"Okay.... I arrived here two days ago... And, so far, nothing has happened.... I don't know if I should be worried or not" Shadow thought has he kept his gaze on the clouds.
His ruby red eyes watched as the fluffy white clouds slowly drifted along, moving so slowly that you could barely tell that they were moving.
Just as Shadow was about to start walking again, his ear twitched at the sound of someone running up to him.
Shadow managed to move out of the way, just in time as a blue streak ran past him. Sending dust particles flying up in the air.

Just as Shadow was going to turn on his heel, the sound of shoes coming to a stop against the dirt road caught his attention. And in the blink of an eye, Sonic was now standing in front of Shadow. Blocking the ebony hedgehog's path.

"There ya are Shadow! Been looking for ya" Sonic spoke, his voice sounded a bit too happy. Almost like the blue blur tried his hardest to sound happy but Shadow didn't fall for it, and neither did Sonic.

"What do you want, hedgehog?" Shadow snapped. He was not in the mood for this, and he wanted to make sure Sonic knew that.
And Sonic did, the tone in Shadow's voice held so much anger that Sonic swore he could almost feel the venom drip from Shadow's voice.

"I...." Sonic started before he took a deep breath, for some reason his heart was hammering so fast against his chest it almost hurt. Just what had gotten him so scared?
"Look, I know it's none of my business but I really want to know what all that was back there. Dimension travel?" Sonic's eyebrow quirked up in confusion, while his emerald green eyes held nothing but wonder. The blue blur looked almost like a child who was amazed at something, yet really confused at the same time. It was almost.... Cute.

"You really can't figure it out? Figures..." Shadow spoke, his tone so low it was hard for Sonic to pick it up. Taking a deep breath, Shadow's ruby red eyes focused on Sonic.

"I'm from a different Dimension, I don't know how I ended up here but I can guess why. And I have no idea how to get back home.... Which I need to, I'm not supposed to be here" Shadow slowly explained, the ebony hedgehog didn't notice but his shoulders tensed up. It was such a subtle movement, that Sonic almost missed it.
Upon hearing that, Sonic's brow furrowed in confusion. He didn't know if he should believe Shadow or not. It was bizarre, almost a bit too bizarre. Then again, Sonic couldn't help but trust Shadow.

"Why do you need to go back?" Sonic knew it was, probably, a stupid question but he had to know.
As soon as Sonic asked that question, the blue blur noticed how Shadow flinched slightly. Again, the movement was so subtle. If you had watched from a distance, or didn't care to watch someone's body language, you probably would have missed it. But Sonic managed to see it, and it piqued his interest even more. If that was even possible.

"If I don't then.... This Universe, as well as my own, will be erased. It will be like the two never existed.... And I cannot let that happen" At that, Shadow' voice seemed to get louder. Almost like, he tried to convince the world around him that he could do this. Possibly on his own.

"Erased?! How long until that happens?!" Sonic exclaimed, his voice cracking at one point. Not like the blue blur cared, he was far too concerned about the news he had just heard.
The very thought of losing everyone, just like that. Send a shiver down his spine.

"I don't know, however. Standing around like this, will just make me waste time" Shadow spoke, his tone was so calm it somehow caused Sonic to calm down. Sonic's shoulders relaxed a bit as he watched Shadow turn on his heel and walk back towards Sonic's hut. "You still think you can help me, hedgehog?" To Sonic it wasn't a question, it was more like a challenge. And the blue hedgehog loves a challenge.

"Well, maybe not me. But I'm sure Tails can help ya!" Sonic responded before a grin appeared on his muzzle.
Sonic quickly caught up to Shadow, and the two hedgehogs started walking back to Sonic's hut.

For the first few minutes, a silence fell over the two hedgehogs. Neither one of them knowing what to say. At first, none of them cared but it soon turned into an awkward silence.
Every little sound seemed to cut through the silence, like a knife and it was starting to get to Sonic.
Said blue hedgehog started looking around, like a caged animal that didn't know what to do. Then, when that didn't seem to help, Sonic started humming a random tune. Just to fill the silence with noise.
Shadow didn't mind, at first. But he quickly grew annoyed at the noise.
The ebony hedgehog let out a sigh through gritted teeth, which caught Sonic's attention.

"What happened? After I walked away" Shadow forced himself to ask, he didn't really care. But he felt the need to get Sonic to stop humming. It was just annoying at this point.

"Oh... Uh... It was.... Awkward. I had to try and explain to my friends why Eggman was there. Then I had to explain to Sticks and Knuckles why you were staying with me. I also had to try and explain to Knuckles who you are, though that was.... Impossible... I don't really know you after all" Sonic couldn't help but rub the back of his head as he said that, it was true. Shadow was a stranger, yet Sonic felt like he could trust Shadow.
The ebony hedgehog hadn't really done anything to Sonic after all.
If you count away kicking Sonic earlier but really, he kind of asked for it.

"You just figured that out? I was wondering when you would get it through your thick skull that I'm just a stranger" Shadow didn't sound angry, in fact he almost sounded amused. His tone didn't hold the same anger as before, and his ruby red eyes had a gleam to them. Almost like Shadow was teasing Sonic.

But before Sonic could comment on it, a grin flashed across Shadow's face. Slightly showing his white fangs. Before he took off running, leaving a small cloud of dust after him. As well as a golden streak.
At first Sonic just stared at the empty space that Shadow had left. His jaw dropped slightly, and Sonic swore he felt his heart leap into his throat.

"W-What the..?" Sonic thought, as he shook his head to bring himself out of the small trance.

"H-Hey! Wait up!" With that being said, Sonic took off running. Leaving a light dust trail after him, and his signature blue streak.  

A/N: And I finally update this story! Holy shit I need to get better at updating my stories. I'm sorry for making you wait. 

But I have a reason this time, maybe not a good reason but still... 

I managed to, finally, buy a cheap laptop. Not that I mind how expensive it is, but the specs on this thing is not great. But it is enough for me to use for my stories, which is enough for me. 

And I've also been working on a side project, I won't say what it is but I've been so caught up in that project that I forgot about my other stories. Sorry about that! 

Thankfully, I'm almost done with that project and when I'm done I'm going to upload it here. Because, yes. It is another Fanfiction. 
It's just a different typ of Fanfiction. Something I've wanted to write for a while now, but I never got around to write it. 
And now it's almost done, I can hardly believe it.

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this small little update. Hopefully the next chapter will be uploaded soon. 

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