Chapter 21

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Shadow had no idea just how long they had been kissing, but the need for air forced Shadow to pull away from the kiss. The moment Shadow pulled away; he also opened his eyes. Though he didn't look at Sonic. Instead, he turned his head away from Sonic.

Did that really happen? What was wrong with him?

Those two thoughts circled around Shadow's head, over and over again. Like a broken record.
Sonic on the other hand, just looked down at Shadow. He could practically hear the gears turning in Shadow's head. Sonic couldn't help but smile as he noticed the light blush on Shadow's muzzle. Just as Sonic was about to say something, Shadow pushed himself away from Sonic's embrace.
Sonic was about to ask Shadow what was wrong, but the ebony hedgehog just turned on his heel and quickly walked away. Mumbling something low to himself.

"Aw, come on! Where are you going now?" Sonic questioned as he followed Shadow. But Shadow didn't respond. He kept walking at a fairly fast pace, with a slight frown on his face.

"Shadow?" With that, Sonic placed a hand on Shadow's shoulder. Stopping him in his tracks. Though the moment Shadow felt Sonic's hand on his shoulder, he quickly turned around. Shrugging Sonic's hand off in the progress.

"Don't touch me!"

"What's wrong now?"

"What's wrong?!" Shadow didn't care that he was screaming. The anger, the frustration, the worry and every other emotion in-between were too much. Sonic felt his body freeze up the moment he noticed the anger flash across Shadow's eyes, though he could also notice that Shadow seemed. Scared? Worried?

"I'm stuck here, Chaos knows where 'here' even is! My very presence here will be enough to destroy everything I promised to protect, and you keep finding new ways to keep me from finding a way back home!" Shadow knew he was trying to put the blame on Sonic, because then he wouldn't have to admit that he didn't want to go back home.

"And even if I manage to get back home, if there is any form of damage to my Dimension then it will be blamed on me! Because who are they going to listen to?! Me, a fucked up human experiment who almost destroyed the planet. Or the Commander of G.U.N.?!" Shadow felt how his body started shaking, both in anger over the situation he was in but also in fear. Fear of what would happen to him the moment he gets back home. And anger because he can't find a way back home.

"And to top it all off, what do I do?! I kissed you! Why? I don't fucking know!" That was a lie. Shadow knew why. He had kissed Sonic because a part of him wanted Sonic.
It was no secret to Shadow that he had, at one point, gotten a crush on Sonic from his Dimension. He never let anyone know. At his own Dimension, he could drown himself in work and ignore Sonic. If he did end up being around Sonic, he could start insulting the blue blur. Which always ended up with them fighting, either until one gave up or until one of their friends stopped them. Those 'friends' being one of Sonic's friends most of the time.
But here, here Shadow couldn't do anything. He didn't know the lay out of the Island, Sonic did. And, sure, Shadow could refuse to stay at Sonic's house. But, the idea of staying outside on an unknown Island didn't seem appealing. That and knowing that another version of himself wanted him dead. Made Shadow even more cautious. And so, Shadow did stay with Sonic. Making it harder and harder to ignore his feelings for the blue blur. Even though this was a different version of Sonic.

"So, just stay the fuck away from me, Faker! This." Shadow started, as he slowly walked away from Sonic.

"Is the last thing I fucking need." At first, Sonic had no idea how to respond. He just watched as Shadow walked off. Until an idea crossed his mind, causing a smirk to form on his muzzle as he started following Shadow again.

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