Chapter 17

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A/N: I was supposed to have uploaded this during the weekend, but I had a really bad cough that left me feeling like I was dying. It took me the whole weekend to write this chapter, which is unlike me. Since I can write up to 10 chapters a day if I'm not working, or doing anything else. But because I couldn't stop coughing, mixed with the fact that I hadn't been sleeping for almost 2 days. And I was forced to keep this chapter saved on my laptop for a while longer. Now, however. I know what is wrong, all because I had to go to the ER at around 11 pm last night. 
I had to stay the night, and now I know that the reason for my cough; was because I had the wrong asthma medication, mixed with a cold. So, my coughing fit was a mix of an asthma attack that I couldn't treat and a cold. How fun. 

But here is the next chapter! 

And I just want to give you a headsup. I've made both Sonic and Shadow out of character... And I hate myself for it. 

But I kind of had to in order for this chapter to make any sense. 

Not that my stories ever make any sense, but whatever... Enjoy!


Shadow's POV

I have no idea how long I've had my eyes closed, but as soon as they opened. I wished they hadn't.
The only thing I could see was chaos. Scientist were screaming in pure terror, the looks on their faces spoke of someone who had gone through, or was going through, hell. Their eyes were widened in fear, and they were ghostly pale.
I wanted to get the image out of my head, but I knew that I couldn't. How many more nights would this day haunt me? I wanted to scream, but no matter how hard I tried. I didn't scream. My eyes were focused on the door to my cell, I didn't want to look at the figure by the door. But my eyes didn't move.

What I saw was a G.U.N. soldier, drenched in blood. With a grazed look in his eyes. This man had lost it. Years and years up in space, being allowed to do what he wanted to torture me had shattered his mind. He wasn't the first one to go mad, just one of few who were still alive.


The sound of a gunshot rang through my ears, and the man in front of me sagged as his lifeless body fell down onto the floor with a thud. I couldn't see the look in his eyes, and in that moment, I didn't want to.

"Shadow!" I forced myself to look up at the sound of my name being called, only to see Professor Gerald by the door. His right hand was still raised slightly, with a gun that was pointing towards were the soldier had been standing.

"Gods... What have they done to you...?" I knew he didn't want me to hear that, but I couldn't help it.

"Gerald..." I forced myself to say, even though it burned my throat to speak.
I tried to move my arms as I spoke, only to feel cold metal restrain me. Right. I was chained to the wall.

"Listen to me Shadow" Gerald started as he got closer to me and started to free me from the chains. I have no idea where he got the key, and a part of me doesn't want to know.

"You have to get Maria out of here, understood?" I felt my eyes widen at the request. Chaos, I really am going to re-live this again?

"What about you...?" It still hurt to speak, but I couldn't stop myself from asking. I wasn't really in control here.

"I'll hold them off, and meet up with you by the escape pods" That was a lie, though back then... I really believed him.

Right after I had heard that, I was off. I ran as fast as I could in those narrow hallways, dodging bullets and trying not to run into the scientists that were panicking.
Running through those hallways will always haunt me. That had been the first time I've seen so many dead bodies. Every turn I took, I would see at least 3 dead bodies. All of them had their faces frozen in fear. Eyes wide open and their jaws open, as they had died screaming. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I didn't want that to be me.

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