Chapter 2

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By the time Shadow came to, it was already a new day. He had no idea what had happened and as he tried to move, he noticed that he was tied up. Shadow was hanging upside down in someone's home. The moment Shadow noticed he was tied up, he let out a frustrated sigh and swung his body forward and grabbed the rope he was hanging from.
With the ropes in his hands, Shadow kept his body somewhat upright. Shadow scanned the room he was in, only to notice that it was full of junk and traps. But before Shadow could even try to free himself, the front door swung open and two figures walked in.
One of them, was Amy. Said pink hedgehog had an annoyed expression on her face. But the moment she noticed Shadow. The ebony hedgehog could tell that she was more confused than anything.
The other one, was someone Shadow had never seen before.


"What? I told you that I had captured a government spy!"

"Seriously Sticks? You don't know that!"

"I get the vibe from him..."

"You say that every time you meet a stranger"

While the two females were arguing, Shadow had freed himself. If this was supposed to keep him tied up, this badger really needs to find something stronger than a rope.
And also tie up his arms and not just his legs.

"Are you two done?" Shadow asked as he dropped the rope on the floor and crossed his arms over his chest.
The ebony hedgehog may be shorter than the two females but, he didn't care.

"How did you...?"

"See?! Only a spy can get themselves free!"

"Actually, anyone can. You had only tied up my legs, I still had my arms free. Even a child could have gotten out of those ropes"

"Wait a minute... I recognize you! I saw you yesterday" When Shadow heard that, he looked at Amy.

Even though Shadow knew that this was not the same Amy from his Universe, he still did not like her. It was like this version of Amy was trying to read him, almost like a psychologist who tries to read their patients.
But instead of saying anything. Shadow let out, what sounded like, a growl. The noise caused both Sticks and Amy to take a step away from him.
Even though it may have sounded like a growl, Shadow had actually cursed. Being part alien, Shadow could still use the language the alien race he was created from. It was something he hated but, at times, it was useful. Since he could say whatever he wanted and no one would understand a word he said.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay"

"We can't let him leave the house Amy! He's going to report us in to the Government and they'll dissect us!" Even though Shadow was a government spy, he wasn't one in this Universe.
So, technically the badger was both right and wrong.

"Did you honestly think that I would still be here if that was true?" The moment Sticks heard that, she narrowed her eyes as she looked at Shadow.

"Point taken, alright! You can go" When Shadow heard that, he was just about to walked out of the house when Amy stopped him.


"What now? I have more important things to do"

"I just want to know your name"

"Shadow. My names is Shadow, if you have to know"

"And I'm Amy Rose! And that is my friend Sticks. Don't worry about her, she's always cautious around new people"

"Whatever" Shadow said has he walked around Amy and walked out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

Once Shadow was outside, he started walking in a random direction. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew that he still had to find a way back home. The sooner the better.
As Shadow kept walking, he soon heard the sound of someone walking towards him. When Shadow turned his head slightly to the right, he saw Tails walking towards him.
Even though Shadow could see that Tails had a bandage around his head, the fox did not look like he was in any serious pain. He just looked annoyed, which confused Shadow.

Adventures with a BOOM (Re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now