Chapter 4

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As the night fell, Shadow found it hard to fall asleep. He just laid there in the hammock, staring up at the ceiling. With, what felt like, a million thoughts running through his head.
He was used to not getting any sleep, his body didn't need it. But Shadow had to admit that he did like to sleep from time to time, he always felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders every time he managed to get a few hours' worth of sleep.
But now, getting some sleep seemed impossible.
Shadow felt how tense his body was. Mix that up with thoughts that seemed to make his brain work none stop, and you have the worst combination. At least when you're trying to get some sleep.
Letting out a sigh, Shadow forced himself to stand up.

"No point in just laying here, might as well use the time to try and figure out a way to get back home" Shadow thought as he walked over to one of the windows.

The ebony hedgehog watched as the storm outside seemed to settle a bit, crimson red eyes scanned the outside world. As if he was trying to spot something that wasn't there.
But Shadow knew he had seen something. He had seen a shadowy figure move in the dark. Having night vision did have its perks.
As if on que, Shadow heard a knock on the door.
Which, Sonic ignored at first but the knocking just kept getting louder and louder. Eventually, Sonic groaned as he got up from his comfortable position on the couch.
Sonic slowly walked over to the front door before he opened it, only to notice Eggman on the other side.

"Hi!" The greeting seemed a bit too cheerful to Sonic, the human in front of the blue blur was soaked. How could he be so cheerful?

"Ugh, what do you want?" Sonic forced himself to ask, though he did not even bother to try and hide the angry tone in his voice.

"First of all, thank you for opening the door at such late hour. I realize what inconvenience this must be" Eggman started before Sonic spoke up.
The blue blur was tired, and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep.

"Get to it Eggface"

"W-Well, I... I need your help"

"You need my help?"

"Yes, my sinister Island Lair. You know, the ultra-high-tech stronghold where I hatch my diabolical schemes to eliminate you? It was destroyed in the storm. I was hoping I could crash with you for a few days, until my robots have rebuilt it" Neither of the two hedgehogs could believe what they were hearing, there was just no way that could be true.
Well, at least Shadow thought it couldn't be true. Why would it? Eggman is Sonic's archnemesis after all, wouldn't be the first time Eggman had lied to Sonic.

"Well, you could certainly use a roof over your head" Sonic started, before the horrible smell reached his nose.

"And a bath"

"Where is Tails by the way? I thought he would be here"

"Oh, he's at his workshop. Tails built a hut right next to his workshop, something about him being tired of me breaking his stuff. So, he moved out. Anyway, how do I know that you won't just capture me and Shadow while we're sleeping?"

"Wait, who? Do you mean that black hedgehog?"


"I didn't know you let him stay here"

"Like that's any of your business to begin with" Shadow finally let them know that he was awake, and he had heard the whole thing.

The moment Eggman heard Shadow speak, he looked over at the direction of Shadow's voice.
There, by one of the windows, stood Shadow. With his arms crossed over his chest.
The light from the moon caused Shadow's crimson red eyes to glow slightly in the dark, due to the fact that the ebony hedgehog had night vision. His ebony fur had a light blue tint to it, as the moons light reflected of off his fur. Making it easier to spot his silhouette.
All in all, seeing Shadow like that. Was a bit scary.
If it wasn't for the moon, Eggman wouldn't even be able to spot Shadow in the darkness. A thought that scared Eggman, more than he would ever admit.

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