Chapter 14

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Sonic could feel Shadow's cold stare, though he couldn't actually see a thing in the darkness. No matter which direction Sonic turned his head, the only thing he could see was the darkness. He couldn't see which way they needed to go in order to get out, if there was another way out that is.
Sonic turned his head to the right, he hoped that Shadow was standing on his right. Only to stare down into ruby red eyes.
The blue blur had to admit, the sight of those red eyes had scared him at first, but after a while he found it hard to look away. The faint glow from those red eyes made it almost impossible to look away.

"W-Why are your eyes... Glowing?" Sonic forced himself to ask, though his gaze was clued to Shadow's ruby red eyes.

"Because I can see in the dark, you idiot" Shadow stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, before he moved his head to look around the dark corridor.
There was only one way forward, and Shadow was not in the mood to explore some old Temple.
But since he couldn't spot any other exit, the ebony hedgehog let out a frustrated sigh before he grabbed Sonic's arm and pulled him along.

"There is only one way forward, let's just hope this way leads to the exit" Shadow explained as he kept walking in a brisk pace, knowing that the blue blur could easily keep up.

"And if there is no other way out..?" Sonic found himself asking out loud, though he had hoped that Shadow wouldn't hear him.

"What do you think? You'll probably starve to death, while the world around you end up being erased. I'll either watch that happen or end up slowly dying from losing too much Chaos Energy. So, unless you actually want that to happen. I suggest you start looking for some kind of light, hopefully that means we're getting closer to the exit" Shadow explained though he never slowed down.

Sonic didn't say anything else, he knew that they needed to get out of the Temple. But at the same time, Sonic really wanted to explore the Temple. Even though he couldn't see a thing.
Shadow on the other hand, never slowed down, he kept walking at a brisk pace. While also pulling Sonic along, he knew that the blue blur couldn't see a thing and Shadow was not about to be slowed down even more. Just because this version of his rival couldn't see.

The two hedgehogs kept walking in silence, the only sound that they could hear was the sound of their own shoes against the stone floor.
Just as Shadow was about to turn around and walk back to the door, maybe he still had enough energy to force the door down. He felt how Sonic stopped walking, Shadow looked over his shoulder to ask just why the blue blur had stopped. Only to notice that Sonic used his free arm to point to the left.

"Is it just me, or is there a fire over there?" Shadow quickly looked in the direction that Sonic was pointing at, only to see a faint glow. A sign that there was indeed some form of light, coming from that direction.

"I really hope that is the way out" Shadow mumbled low to himself as he started walking towards the light, all the while he kept pulling Sonic's arm.

The moment the two hedgehogs reached the source of the light did Shadow let go of Sonic's arm, he didn't need to lead the other anymore after all. Sonic, who could finally see again, let his emerald green eyes adjust better to the light before he looked around. Only to notice that they were at a dead end. The only thing the two of them could see, was a torch lighting up a wall with some odd markings on them.
Shadow, who swore he had seen similar markings back at his own Universe, walked over to the wall.
The moment Shadow was close enough, he could easily make out the odd shapes as well as something else. They looked like drawings, in lack of better words. Drawings of Mobians, Humans and the... Chaos Emeralds? And the Master Emerald?

"What in the...?" Shadow mumbled low to himself as he tried to figure out what the whole thing meant. Only to slowly realize that he had no idea what he was looking at.
The ebony hedgehog couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh as he still tried to understand what was written on that wall.

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