Chapter 20

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A/N: Just going to give you a heads-up... I've no idea what the hell I wrote there at the end, and honestly? I'm too tired to care. It's almost 1:30 am here, and I've been awake for over 24 hours. I'm exhausted. 

But if you don't mind reading that part, then good. 

Because I hate myself for being a bit more detailed than normal. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.




"Get off me..." As Sonic heard that, he stared down at Shadow for a few seconds before he quickly got off him. Sonic could feel his face burning up, and he did not even want to know just how much he was blushing.

"S-Sorry!" Shadow slowly got up from the ground, rubbing the back of his head as he looked around. Shadow tried to see if he could figure out just where the robot had gone. But it was nowhere to be found.
Shadow looked up slightly, to see if he could spot anything at the top of the hill that they had just fallen down from. Or, rather, rolled down from. But, again, he couldn't see anything.

"Next time I see that thing... I'm tearing it to pieces..."

"I don't think Sticks would let you touch it..."

"Hmph, I'd like to see her try and stop me." With that, Shadow walked off. Not caring if Sonic was following him or not. Shadow's shoulders were tense, his hands were bawled up into fists and a growl escaped him. Shadow was pissed.

"So..." Sonic started as he quickly caught up with Shadow. "Are you just going to ignore what happened back there?" Sonic finished as he looked over at Shadow. Only to notice how Shadow flinched slightly.


"What?! How can you just...?!"

"Act like nothing happened?" Silence soon followed, until Sonic said a quick 'Yes'. Causing Shadow to stop in his track and turn to look at Sonic.

"Because, nothing happened."

"Nothing happened...? We kissed!" At that, Shadow rubbed his forehead and let out a frustrated sigh.

"That was an accident." Shadow said, before he turned and started walking again. Not giving Sonic a chance to answer him.

Sonic, who didn't know what to say after that. Just watched as Shadow kept walking, pure anger radiating from him. Sonic let out a sigh as his ears dropped a bit, before he quickly caught up with Shadow. He was not going to let this go that easily.
However, Shadow was dead-set on ignoring Sonic. He kept his gaze forward and no matter what Sonic did, Shadow didn't even look at the blue blur.
It might look like he was over-reacting a bit, but Shadow didn't want to complicate matters by thinking about the kiss. Even though a part of him had enjoyed it.

This was not supposed to happen, none of it.

"Damn it... I need to focus. Forget it ever happened, and focus on getting home." Shadow thought to himself as he got closer to Amy's house, without really knowing.

Almost as soon as Shadow and Sonic arrived, Sticks walked out of the house. Holding Buster close to her chest, with a sad look in her eyes. Just as Shadow was about to confront Sticks about her so-called pet, Eggman appeared out of nowhere.
Before Eggman even admitted that he had created Buster, Shadow had figured it out. And it caused him to keep his distance from them.
Sonic on the other hand, didn't seem to think anything was wrong. As he walked over to Sticks, both to hear what was going on but to be close by. Just in case Eggman was up to something.

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