Chapter 12

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A/N: Oh man! It's been awhile... Sorry it took me this long upload this chapter, but I've been working on other stories as well. Though I will not post them until they're done. Otherwise they'll get really slow updates, just like this story, which I don't want. 
I'll try to do that from now on, making sure that the story is actually done before I post them. I don't want to keep people waiting for days, weeks, months, hell even years before I upload a new chapter. 'Cause that's how bad I am at uploading.... And I'm really sorry about that!

It's just that work tends to leave me so tired that I just end up falling asleep on the couch the moment I get home. I have zero energy after a long day at work. 

I'll try though, to update this story every Thursday. Which, is actually tomorrow for me but I had a little energy left. And I decided to use it to write this! It's short, I know but it is a new chapter

That's always something... Anyway! Enjoy!

By the time Shadow had managed to free himself from Sonic's grasp, which took a lot longer than the ebony hedgehog would ever admit out loud, it was already around midnight.
As Shadow stood up, he took a few steps away from the couch, seeing as Sonic was trying to reach for Shadow but the blue hedgehog gave up the moment he couldn't feel anything.

"For fucks sake.... How the hell can he sleep so deeply?" Shadow thought to himself as he turned his head to look out the window. For some reason it felt like someone had been watching him, but Shadow couldn't see anyone.
He did however see a figure move quickly out of view, almost like they didn't want to be seen.

"What the...?" Shadow mumbled low to himself before he quickly followed the figure. He knew he probably shouldn't go after whomever it was, but he couldn't help it.

Shadow was so used to having to look over his shoulder that it became almost impossible not to listen to his gut feeling. And right now, his gut feeling had a really bad feeling about all of this.
As Shadow kept looking around the area, the only thing his eyes could really see was the moonlight reflect off of the ocean as well as light up the beach a bit. It was still too dark for most to see anything but, since Shadow can see in the dark, he could see just fine.
It took only a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the darkness and the moment they did, Shadow could spot a silhouette of someone quickly disappearing into the forest.
Just as Shadow was about to follow the silhouette, a piece of paper caught his attention. There, on one of the loungers, was a piece of paper. Held in place by a rock, Shadow could only make out a word. But it was enough to cause a chill to run down his spine.


Just as Shadow was about to question just why he hadn't spotted this other version of himself, he knew that if this version of himself had something in common with him it would probably be that Shadow knew how to disappear. Shadow had, more than once, made sure that no one knew just where he was for months and sometimes even years at a time.
Shadow picked up the note, making sure to throw the rock into the ocean. Ruby red eyes scanned the piece of paper with the word, Imposter, written on it in bold letters.
The thought that this version of Shadow knew where he was, was enough to make his skin crawl.
Just as Shadow thought about just throwing away the piece of paper, his ears twitch and before he could think, his body jumped backwards. Dodging a fist that had been thrown his way.

"You're more alert than I gave you credit for..." Shadow soon heard someone say and, as Shadow turned his gaze up, he noticed another version of himself.
And, like everyone else, this version of the ebony hedgehog was taller.

"Didn't think you would be so short though..." Shadow knew that the other was trying to insult him, but Shadow didn't care.

"And I didn't take you for a chatterbox..." The moment Shadow had said that, the other tried to shot Shadow with a Chaos Spear.
Shadow, who knew what was going to happen, just grabbed the Spear and threw it back at the taller hedgehog.
The Spear almost hit the taller hedgehog. All it did though, was graze his shoulder. Making the taller of the two to let out a growl.

"You'll pay for that" Upon hearing that, all the shorter hedgehog did was rolls his eyes.

"You want me to pay? Then get in line" Was the only thing Shadow managed to say before the taller of the two tried to kick him.
Which also missed, since Shadow had taken a few steps to the left before he kicked the taller hedgehog.

Shadow watched as the other version of him got up from the ground, Shadow could almost feel the anger coming from the taller hedgehog but before Shadow could get ready for another attack. The other version of him disappeared, ran off into the dark forest. The action confused Shadow for a moment, but he soon got his answer as to why.
Behind him the ebony hedgehog heard the sound of a door open followed by a loud yawn. Shadow turned around, only to notice Sonic.
Said blue hedgehog was barely awake.
Sonic's eyes were barely opened, he was leaning against the door fram with his back hunched forward a bit and he seemed to yawn every 3rd second.

"Shadow..?" Sonic asked in a low tone, that also sounded a bit slurred. Another sign that he wasn't fully awake yet.

"What are you doing up?" Shadow asked before the blue hedgehog could ask anything else.

"I could..." Sonic started before yet another yawn escaped him. "..Ask you the same thing" Sonic added the moment he stopped yawning.

"I don't really need sleep" Shadow answered, as he watched Sonic shake his head in an attempt to stay awake.

"Is that a good thing..." Another yawn caused Sonic to stop talking midsentence again, and it was starting to annoy Shadow. "..Or a bad thing?" Sonic added as he watched Shadow walk over to him.

"Depends on who you're asking. Now go to sleep" Shadow quickly answered as he pushed the blue hedgehog back inside, and closed the door.
The moment Sonic was inside again, Shadow made sure that Sonic had walked back to the couch.

"Ya know, for someone who doesn't need sleep..." Sonic started as he let his body fall down on the couch with a faint 'thud', "..Ya sure do look tired"

"Well, these last few days have been weird" The ebony hedgehog stated as he slowly laid down on the hammock. For some reason, Shadow still hated laying on it.

"Tell me about it..." Sonic managed to admit, before sleep took over him once more.
The moment Shadow noticed that the other was asleep again, he couldn't help but let out a yawn. These last few days has, indeed, been weird.

Shadow thought he would be used to weird by now, but apparently not. There was always something new that surprised him, one way or another. Not that he would admit that out loud to those he knew back home.
The thought of home was enough to make Shadow uncomfortable, he knew that he didn't really belong in this strange Universe but so far it had been a hell of a lot better than his own. And that's saying something.
However, there was only one thing that Shadow dreaded about going back home.

"How the hell will the Commander react?" Shadow thought as sleep slowly crept up his spine, sending the ebony hedgehog to a deep sleep.  

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