Chapter 5

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The next morning, Shadow woke up to the sound of someone moving around. Shadow slowly opened his eyes as he sat up, only to notice two robots moving around the place.
It took Shadow a while to remember that he was in a different Universe, the moment he remembered he let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes. Shadow still felt tired, but he was already awake. So, he saw no point in trying to go back to sleep.
As Shadow got up from the hammock, Sonic started to wake up. But that was because the blue hedgehog had managed to fall off the couch.
With a groan, Sonic slowly stood up and rubbed the back of his head.

"Ow...What happened?"

"You fell off the couch, idiot"

"GAH!" The blue blur quickly turned around, only to notice Shadow standing by the hammock. Sonic let out a sigh when he noticed the ebony hedgehog. "Oh, morning Shadow! Didn't know you would be up"

"Yeah, well... Those two tin cans were making too much noise"

"We're only making breakfast" The moment Shadow heard that, he looked over at Orbot. Which, caused the red robot to quickly disappear into the kitchen.

"Hey! Don't ruin my kitchen!" With that being said, Sonic disappeared into the kitchen as well. And all Shadow could do was shake his head.

For a while, silence filled the room Shadow was in. The silence was enough to make it easier for Shadow to think, and with nothing better to do. Shadow walked over the couch and sat down on it.
Once he was sitting down, Shadow pulled out an old worn out notebook from his quills. One could easily tell that Shadow had not been careful with the notebook.
The cover of the it was torn in several areas, the spine was missing and the only thing that kept it from falling apart was a small piece of rope. And lastly, some of the pages seemed to have been ripped off or had been damaged by water.

Why did Shadow still have it? That's something no one knew.

"Oh, man. That looks old, what happened to it?" Sonic asked the moment he noticed the torn-up notebook in Shadow's hands, Shadow hadn't even heard Sonic walk back into the living room.

"I don't even remember"

"Then, why do you still have it?"

"Haven't had the time to get a new one"

"Not very talk-active, are ya?" Sonic asked as he sat down on the couch beside Shadow.


"Whatcha doin' anyway?"

"I need to write down some ideas on how to get home"

"And where is that?"

"I already told you, it's none of your business"

"Hey, I only want to help"

"Well, I don't need your help Fa-" Shadow managed to stop himself midsentence.
That would have been hard to try and explain why he would call Sonic 'Faker'.

"What was that?"


"Sure, it was nothing" Sonic couldn't help but tease Shadow, he knew that the ebony hedgehog was hiding something from him. He just had no idea what.

Shadow only rolled his eyes has he carefully opened the notebook. The first few pages were written theories on some of his own abilities. Shadow had not figured out all of his abilities yet, he seemed to find out new ones every other month or so.
Sonic, who was curious as hell. Couldn't help but look at the notebook. Only to notice Shadow's neat handwriting and he had to stop himself from letting his jaw drop, no one could write that perfectly. It had to be fake. Sonic didn't even care what was written on the pages, he just wanted to figure out how someone could have a perfect handwriting.

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