Author's Note

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Okay! This story ended up coming to a stop earlier than the first time around. Mostly because I wanted to add more drama to the next story, but also because I could not, for the life of me, figure out a way to move the story forward. 

Instead, I'll try to make the sequel longer and contain more drama. Like I wanted it to from the start. 

So, no. I'm not mad that I made the decision to end the story and now focus on the sequl. Because, yes that story is being re-written as well. Though I won't publish it until it is done. 
That way no one has to wait, and I don't have to feel like an ass because of it. 

I also want to add that this story ended for other reasons. Those being; 

Real life decided to be a bitch again.

I lost my job, found a new job, only to lose that job as well because of an injury to my back. 

Then I lost my best friend, we've known each other for over 20 years. She died in a car crash 2 months, and no I am still not over it. 

Then my mental health went down the drain and I tried to kill myself. 

And now here we are, me being on pills for my mental health, talking to a therapist again and me just trying to get my shit together. 

Here is hoping I can atleast finish the sequel before more bad shit happens. 

Adventures with a BOOM (Re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now