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And so! This story is finally being re-writen. A decision I made after I forced myself to read through the original one. And holy shit, it was bad. 

The grammar mistakes made me want to vomit. 

The rushed story confused the hell out of me. 

And I have no idea how people still liked it... I know I don't, and I wrote it!

Anyway, I'm going to try and keep the plot the same as the original. 
All I'm going to do is: 
Try to improve the grammar.
Flush out the story more with more chapters. With some chapters being based on the cartoon and other chapters being something random that I can come up with. 
Add more to the romance between Boom!Sonic and Shadow. Because yes, I find that oddly adorable. 

I have no idea how often this story will be updated, but I'm going to try and update this story as often as I can. 
After all, I do love to write fanfictions. 

Too bad I can't make a living out of it. I would if I could. 

Anyway, I hope you find this re-writen story better than the original one! Since that is my personal goal.  

And if you don't like Sonadow, then what the fuck are you doing here? It's all I'm ever going to write about. You're just wasting your time and I really don't like to argue about something so silly.
You don't like Sonadow? Fine, you're free to leave. I'm not forcing you to read this. Just respect that some people actually do like Sonadow, and I'll respect that you don't. It's that simple, shocking right? 

Ah, anyway. Enjoy!

Adventures with a BOOM (Re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now