Chapter 22

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Meanwhile back at Shadow's Dimension

Sonic was bored. That was something the blue blur could not deny.
He was currently resting up in a tree. His arms were crossed behind his head, while he gazed up at the clear blue sky.
It was a beautiful day, but Sonic was still bored.

Eggman had not attacked in a few days, making Sonic slightly worried as to what the human was up to. Both Knuckles and Tails were annoyed at him, because Sonic would not stop bothering them. Though, if Sonic were to make a guess, Knuckles were probably more annoyed at him than Tails.
Sonic had no idea what Amy was up to though, he was currently trying his best to avoid her. And, so far, it was working.
But there was someone that Sonic had not seen in a while, and that was Shadow.

Sonic had no idea where Shadow was, but his gut feeling told him that Shadow was in some sort of trouble. Sure, it was common for Shadow to be gone for days, months and sometimes even years at a time. But this, somehow, felt different. Though Sonic could not figure out why.
As the seconds slowly ticked away, Sonic inhaled sharply through his nose before he forced himself to get down from the tree.
He wanted answers, and the only way to get them would be at G.U.N. HQ. They had multiple bases around the world, though the one in Station Square is their main one. And the one Shadow would, most likely, be in.
Sonic quickly made up his mind, though he knew full well that the Commander would not be happy. Still, the Commander never even tried to make Sonic leave their HQ whenever the hero arrived. He would just roll his eyes at Sonic, before he quickly left.

After quickly stretching out his legs, Sonic took off running. Kicking up dust and leaving his signature blue streak, heading straight to G.U.N. HQ. Though he didn't stop running until he stood in front of a door, the very same door he knew would take him to the shared office of 'Team Dark'.
Sonic placed one hand on the door handle, and took a deep breath before he turned the doorknob and walked inside. Sonic didn't know that he was smiling, though the smile quickly fell the moment he saw the state of the office.

Paper was strewn all over the place, some spoke of Shadow's Chaos Abilities and Inhibitor Rings. Others of Chaos Control. Others of Time Travel, and some even spoke of the possibilities of multiple Dimensions.
Somewhere in the mess of papers, Sonic could even spot what looked like blue prints. Though he had no idea of what.
Just as Sonic was about to call out for either Shadow or Rouge, the sound of paper being moved around caused Sonic to look to his left.
There, in the far side of the room, was Rouge. The white bat was dressed in clothes that looked to be far too big for her, instead of her normal attire. Her make-up was a mess, a sign that Rouge had been crying at one point. Her teal eyes were glued to the piece of paper in her hand, and Sonic could easily spot that Rouge was scared.

"Rouge?" Sonic softly called out to her, he tried to sound as gentle as possible as to not scare her.
Rouge quickly looked up from the papers in her hand, her teal eyes stared right into Sonic's emerald green.

"Sonic? What are you doing here?" Sonic quickly noticed how raspy her voice sounded, it was enough to make Sonic wonder just what was wrong. He hated to see others cry.

"I don't think that's important right now. What's wrong? You look... Devastated."

"I..." Rouge started, as she let the papers fall down onto the floor. Her gaze dropped to the floor; she could not even look at Sonic.
Okay, something was definitely wrong.

"Shadow... He's... Missing..."

"Missing? I thought it was normal for him to be gone this long." Sonic quickly closed the door behind him, he had almost forgotten that the door was wide open.

"Not this time, Blue..."

"What do you mean? What happened?" Sonic walked over to Rouge and sat down on the only empty chair in the room.

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