Chapter 8

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A/N: Oh look! I finally update this story! What a shock...

I seriously need to get better at it... Sorry!

But I kind of have a reason this time! Sort of... Maybe...

Shortly after Chapter 7 was uploaded, I got sick. I thought nothing of it first but after I took a test to see if I had the new Corona virus, it turnes out I did.
So, yeah... For a while I've been really sick. Though I am all better now! 

Can't kill me, ya stupid virus! Ha! 

Not only that but, I am trying to write 6 fanfictions at the same time... 3 that are on going on this site and 3 others that I'm writing on the side. So... Yeah... I'm busy...

But I love having alot to do! So, it's only fun for me! 

Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

Even though it is a little bit shorter than the other chapter. 

Also, I'll include more cursing in this story. All because I want Shadow to be able to curse. 

Shadow has no fillter when it comes to cursing, and that's what I love to add. 

By the time Sonic and Shadow got back to Sonic's hut, the two hedgehogs watched as Knuckles held Sticks back.
Said badger was trying her hardest to attack Eggman, but to no avail. Even though Sonic could tell that Knuckles really wanted to let her attack Eggman, Amy had probably talked Knuckles into holding Sticks back.
Shadow watched how Sticks seemed to try and claw her way out of the echidna's grip, though Knuckles didn't budge. He simply held a firm grip on the badger as she kept trying to reach for Eggman.

"I know he is up to something!" Sticks suddenly screamed before she finally gave up, she knew she could not get free on her own.

"We don't know that Sticks, now calm down" Amy quickly responded as she kept her gaze on Sticks, not really noticing that both Sonic and Shadow were back.

"The only thing I was up to, was trying to eat my breakfast. But you interrupted me!" The moment Shadow heard that, he couldn't help but roll his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest.
He didn't trust Eggman one bit.

"Sticks just... Calm down, we have truce... Remember?" Sonic said as he walked closer to his friends, not even noticing that his shoulders tensed up at the thought of letting Eggman live in his home.

"I still think it's all part of his evil plot. He is trying to tire you out and when you're too tired to fight back..." Sticks started as she, finally, got Knuckles to let her go "WHAM! Out comes his Obliterator Bot!" Sticks screamed right in Sonic's face, before her gaze landed on Shadow.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Sonic?" Shadow heard Tails whisper to Sonic, the only reason Shadow was able to hear it was because of his enhanced hearing.

"No... But, if he tries something, he's out" Sonic answered as his green eyes were focused on Eggman.

After that, Sonic and the rest of his friends were able to calm Sticks down. And the moment she was calm again, everyone went on about their day. Like nothing had happened.
Shadow didn't complain though, mostly because he was left alone. Well, for the most part at least.
There had been moments when Sonic tried to include Shadow in some of the activities he did with his friends, only for Shadow to ignore the blue hedgehog completely. Which only seemed to annoy Sonic, though after a while Sonic gave up and just focused on cleaning up his home.
While Sonic did that, Shadow was outside. The black hedgehog was currently sitting in one of the many loungers, with his notebook in one hand and a pencil in the other. He may as well use the time to try and figure out a way to use the Chaos Energy in his Inhibitor Rings to create a temporary portal back to his own Dimension, the problem was figuring out how to do that without getting too drained in the process.
So far, nothing he thought of would work and just as Shadow was about to give up for the day. He heard Eggman let out a laugh as he ran out of Sonic's home, with his two robots in tow. The moment Shadow noticed that, all he did was roll his eyes before he focused his gaze on the book in his hand.

"If you hit me with that pillow, I'll rip that thing apart. Then shove those feathers so far down your throat you'll choke, very fucking slowly" Shadow stated as Eggman were inches away from hitting the ebony hedgehog with a pillow.
The moment Eggman heard that, however, he quickly lowered the pillow before hurrying away from Shadow.

"Man, I wish I could get Egghead to back down so easily" Sonic mumbled low to himself as he sat down on one of the loungers beside Shadow, while also rubbing his head. He could feel a headache starting to form.

"He only backs down because I scare him" Shadow replayed as he turned to the next page in his notebook, he hadn't even looked up from his notes.

"I noticed that! I just want to know why you're scaring Eggman" As Shadow heard that, he looked up from his notes and focused his red eyes on Sonic.

"Why? I get him to leave me alone" Shadow started as he slowly closed the notebook, he had to be really careful in order to not destroy it even more. "I'm also used to it" Shadow added before he stretched out his back.

"Used to it?" Sonic asked as he looked at Shadow with a confused expression on his face.

"You haven't figured it out?"

"...Figured out what?" At the question, Shadow rubbed his forehead as he slowly shook his head.

"I already said I'm from a different Dimension..." Shadow started as he watched Sonic.
Said blue hedgehog was leaning forward a bit in his seat, as his green eyes were focused on Shadow. It was then Shadow noticed the curious look in those green eyes.

"In that Dimension there is a version of Eggman..." The moment Shadow had said that, the ebony hedgehog noticed how Sonic's eyes widen a bit. "As well as a different version of you, Tails, Knuckles and Amy" After hearing that, Sonic leaned back in his seat. His eyes still wide in shock.

"A different version of me...?" Sonic forced himself to say out loud, that sounded so weird.
Then again, weird shit seemed to happen to him all the time.

When Shadow did not respond, Sonic quickly shook his head and focused his green eyes on Shadow again. It was then he really noticed the worn-out expression on Shadow's face.
The ebony hedgehog had dark rings under his eyes that, almost, seemed to make his blood-shot eyes stand out even more.
Sonic also noticed how Shadow's shoulders were tense, a sign that something was bothering the black hedgehog.

"Stop staring at me, hedgehog" The moment Sonic heard that, he blinked a few times before his eyes widen a bit in shock.

"Oh! Uh... S-Sorry!" Sonic said a bit too quickly as he turned his head to look the other way.
The moment he wasn't looking at Shadow anymore, Sonic heard how Shadow let out a sigh.

"Subtle... Very subtle Sonic..." Sonic thought to himself as he rubbed his forehead and let out a sigh.  

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