Chapter 3

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"Here ya go!" Sonic started as he placed a glass of water down in front of Shadow. The ebony hedgehog in question was sitting down on a chair, while he looked around the hut. "If you want more then feel free to get a refill, I'm going to be busy with interviews soon"

"Oh? And why do you feel the need to get a new sidekick?" Shadow couldn't help but ask that as he looked at Sonic with a confused expression, Shadow could never understand Sonic's motives. Even though this was not the Sonic he knew.

"Just thought I should try and find someone who can keep up" It was an obvious lie, and all Shadow could do was look at Sonic with a blank expression.


"How di-" Before Sonic could question Shadow, a loud banging on his door caused him to look at the front door.

"Oh... Is it time already?" With that, Sonic walked over to the front door and opened it. Once the door was opened, Sonic noticed a line and the first one in that line happened to be Amy.
With a sigh, Sonic stepped aside and let Amy in. Once inside, they walked into the living room and Sonic sat down on a chair. He was also holding a clipboard and a pen, though Shadow had no idea where Sonic had gotten that from.

"I'm Amy Rose, and I'll be auditioning for the part of sidekick" Shadow couldn't help but watch, it was so bizarre to watch Sonic do this.
And all Sonic could do was sigh.

"Amy, I know who you are" Shadow could clearly hear that Sonic was slightly annoyed, and he could understand why.

"Great, because I am fine with nepotism. Oh, and under special skills you can add juggling and singing" Shadow watched as Amy took out a pair of juggling balls. Though Shadow had no idea where Amy had pulled them out from and honestly, he didn't want to know.

With that, Shadow heard Amy sing. Or, at least she tried to. While she was juggling.
It was an odd sight, and Shadow fought the urge to cover his ears. Because he did not like Amy's singing, and it didn't help that he had enhanced hearing.
He could almost hear Amy try to make her voice sound good as she was singing, it was painful. It didn't take long before Shadow placed the glass down on the counter beside him, before he covered his ears.
Shadow wanted nothing more than to get the hell away from the awful singing, how Sonic could be so calm about all this was a mystery to Shadow.

After a while, Sonic finally managed to push Amy out the door.
Soon enough, the audition was slowly coming to an end. Seeing as Sonic had gone through all auditions and so far, he was not impressed by any of them.
Was there seriously no one else who could be his sidekick? Besides Tails, that is.
To Shadow, the whole thing had been somewhat amusing. Watching Sonic get more and more frustrated as Mobian after Mobian came to the auditions, and no one was good enough for the blue blur. Even though Shadow had managed to drink up 3 glasses of water throughout the auditions, he still had not left the hut. Which, was surprising. Seeing as the ebony hedgehog didn't have to stay, he could have walked out that door and avoided this version of Sonic altogether.
At this point, Sonic couldn't help but let out another sigh as he talked to the last one. He really hopped that this whole thing would just end, it was starting to become really frustrating to just sit there and not do anything.

"Okay, last question. What would you do in a no-win situation?" Sonic asked as he looked over at the cloaked figure in front of him, even though Sonic couldn't see who it was. He still hopped that he had found the right Mobian to be his sidekick.
Shadow, on the other hand, could see who it was. The twin tails that stuck out behind the figure gave him away after all.

"If I'm with you, there is no such thing as a no-win situation" Shadow could also hear how Tails tried, and failed, to cover up his voice. It was painfully obvious to Shadow who it was, it was a miracle that Sonic couldn't tell right away who it was.

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