Chapter 19

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After only a few seconds, Shadow pushed Sonic away from him. He was still shorter than Sonic so, it was weird to have Sonic's arm around his shoulder. That, and Shadow didn't like to be reminded that he was, indeed, shorter than Sonic now.
Sonic quickly glanced down at Shadow; it was only then he noticed the very faint blush on Shadow's muzzle. The corners of Sonic's lips curved up into a small smirk, as he watched Shadow shake his head before he took off running.

"That... Was adorable." Sonic thought as he quickly ran after Shadow. Sonic tried his best to wipe the smirk from his face, but he just couldn't.

At first, none of them said a word as they kept running. Shadow was just running because he didn't know what else to do, he knew he should go back to try and get back home. But he couldn't focus.
And Sonic was following Shadow because of two reasons; 1, he didn't know what else to do. And 2, he was silently hoping to see Shadow blush again.
After a while, the two hedgehogs came to a stop. It was only then Sonic remembered that his friends wanted all of them to talk to Sticks, in an attempt to make her understand how to treat animals.
Shadow, who didn't know what else to do, decided to follow Sonic. He had heard the blue blur mutter a bit under his breath, and he convinced Sonic to tell him what was wrong.
With that, they both ran off to Amy's house. A place that Shadow didn't care much for but, since everyone else had agreed to meet there. He had to live with it, at least for now. The moment both of them arrived, all of them gathered in the living room. Sonic sat down in an armchair; Knuckles sat down in the other. Tails, Amy and Sticks sat down on the couch, while Shadow just leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. Shadow felt really out of place in the pink coloured living room.

Shadow soon drifted off, getting lost in his own thoughts as he looked around the room. He noticed how Sonic and his friends were all talking to each other, though Shadow didn't really care what was being said. He knew that his opinion in all this didn't matter, Sticks wasn't his friend and so, he didn't really care all that much about her.
Soon though, Shadow got pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of someone saying his name. Shadow quickly turned his head to look at Sticks, the one who had said his name in the first place.

"What?" Shadow didn't even try to hide the fact that he hadn't been listening, he saw no point in hiding the truth.

"I only said that you can come with me to look for a pet." At that, Shadow tilted his head ever so slightly to the side in confusion.

"Why...? I thought you didn't trust me. That, and I don't know the first thing about pets..."

"You're right, I didn't trust you. But you've earned my trust, and since no one else wants to come along. That leaves only you." Shadow had no idea how to feel after that. He still knew nothing about Sticks, so it made no sense that she would ask him to help her. That, and he had no idea what type of pet would even suit her. Or if she even knew the amount of responsibility a pet requires.

"Fine, I'll tag along." Shadow started as he watched Sticks get up from the couch, with a smile on her face.

"Though I have no idea why..." Shadow thought as he followed Sticks out of the house.

"On second thought... Maybe I should tag along." Sonic said out loud to no in particular, before he quickly followed both Shadow and Sticks. He was gone out of the house before the others could even question his decision.

And so, the three of them walked back towards the village. None of them said a word. Sticks didn't say anything because she was too busy thinking about the choices she would get at the pet shop, and so far, she didn't like the options her mind was giving her. Shadow didn't say anything, because he had no idea what he would even say to Sticks. And he didn't feel like talking to Sonic. And Sonic didn't say a word either, because he honestly didn't know what to say.
It didn't take them long to reach the village again, and they headed straight for the pet shop.
Once there, they went through the shop very quickly. Sticks only stopped at the different options to complain that they were either; too cute, too fluffy or too adorable. All of it seemed like a waste of time to both Sonic and Shadow, though none of them said anything. So, just as quickly as they got there, they left. Sticks couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, a small part of her had hopped that she would have found a pet to her liking.

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