Chapter 24

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"Aw... Isn't that cute" Sonic commented more to himself than anyone else, though that comment earned him a swift blow to the head, causing him to let go of Shadow in the process. Shadow then took the opportunity to get up.

"Ouch... What was that for?"

"Don't call me cute"

"Welp... Too late!"

A heavy silence quickly fell over the room, with Shadow glaring at Sonic. The only sound that could be heard was the crashing of the waves outside, and the sound of a clock slowly ticking away.
And it didn't take long for Sonic to try and start a conversation.

"So... What now?" Shadow groaned as he heard that question. It felt like he had answered that a million times already, and the answer would always be the same.

"I still need to find a way home be...fore?" Was all Shadow managed to say as he noticed that his own arm seemed to... Glitch, in and out of existence.

"Oh no..."

"That... What is happening?!" Sonic asked as he watched as Shadow seemed to glitch, one moment he was there and in the next he was gone. It was soon followed by another earthquake.

Before Shadow could even try and figure out what was going on, a giant hole opened up in the sky outside. At first, Shadow couldn't figure out what that giant hole could be, but he soon noticed two familiar figures on the other end.
This made Shadow think that maybe someone from his Dimension, probably Tails, had figured out a way to open a portal from their Dimension to this weird one.
But before Shadow could test that out, the front door flew open and Sonic's friends were stumbled into the hut.

"Sonic, what is going on?!"

"How should I know?!"

Before anyone could think of what to do next, Shadow felt himself being pulled towards the hole. Shadow tried to hold onto something, anything. But each time he managed to grab onto something, his body would glitch. Causing him to let go and be pulled closer and closer to the hole.

"Fuck me..." Shadow muttered low to himself as he gave up on trying, resulting him to be pulled into the hole, and end up lying down face first on a metal floor.

"Ha! See, I told you I could find him!" Tails exclaimed, though the joy was short lived as 5 more figures fell through the hole.

"What happened?" Sonic asked as he looked around the semi dark room, only to quickly notice another version of himself.

"WHA-What is going on?!" The two Sonics screamed in unison. While staring daggers at one another.

"Oh no..." Tails said as he noticed that he had accidentally brought others into their Dimension. The other Tails just looked at the other version of himself, before he looked around the room, and then he let out a scream right before he faints.

All Amy can do is look around in pure shock, she didn't really know what to think or feel.
Knuckles on the other hand, was just laying on the cold hard ground. Staring up at the ceiling, trying his best not to freak out.

"What a right mess you've made this time" The voice of the Commander caused everyone, but Shadow, to stare at him.

"Of course, blame this on me. It was your fucking time-machine that started this mess" Shadow didn't bother looking at the Commander, he knew that the Commander would never forgive Shadow, or show him even a hint of respect. So, why should Shadow?

"As much as I would love to pin this on you, I was talking to the fox child" The Commander spoke, his tone was cold and his eyes held no emotion.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, I think you heard me"

"I dare you to try and insult my brother, one more time" Sonic's voice quickly shifted into a much darker tone, one that Shadow can't recall hearing before.
Though it seemed that Tails had, seeing that Tails seemed to be frozen on the spot.

"It is very amusing that you think I find you intimidating"

"You don't want to go there, buddy"

"Sonic, please calm down"

Just as Sonic was going to say something else, the sound of Sticks screaming caught everyone off guard. Mostly because she hadn't even made a single noise since she got here.
And before Sticks could make a jump for the Commander, both Amy and Knuckles held her back.

"Let me go! He works for the Government! We need to get out of here!"

"A feral? I didn't think you still had those"


"She's not from here, I thought even you knew that"

"Don't talk to it! We need to go, like right now!" Sticks kept screaming though no one seemed to listen.

"Go? That thing" The Commander started as he pointed a finger right at Shadow. "Is not going anywhere. I own him, and I will keep reminding him of that"

And with that, The Commander turned around and walked out of the room. The sound of the door slamming shut behind him was the only sound that could be heard.

The end?

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