Chapter 16

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A/N: I've been rewriting this chapter 5 times now, and I'm still not that happy with it... Oh well. That's what happens when you can't write fighting scenes, I guess...
Anyway! Sorry for taking so long with this. But I've been fighting with my depression, again, for a few months now. I don't want to go into more detail than that, but know that I feel better now.

I don't know if it's because I decided to replay all of my Sonic games (And trust me, I have a lot of Sonic games), or if it is because I've been rewatching the trailer for the 2 Sonic Movie as well as the trailer for Sonic Frontiers. I don't want to keep my hopes up with the game, but holy shit, the movie looks like it's going to be alot of fun! I'm excited for the movie.

Here's hoping I can keep uploading chapters for this story. As well as all the other stories I have here on Wattpad, and those I have yet to upload.

Anyway, I hope you still enjoy this chapter! Even though I still feel like I could have done it better.


For the rest of the day, Sonic tried to get the image of Shadow causing so much destruction out of his mind. But he couldn't ignore the fact that he had seen fear in Shadow's eyes. Shadow may have been angry, but he was also scared.
Sonic sighed as he looked around, after Shadow had left, he ran back to his home. Both he and Shadow had been gone for so long that Sonic had felt his hunger grow, causing Sonic to run back home to get something to eat.
Though that had been hours ago as well. Still, Sonic didn't really know what else to do than wait. A part of him was hoping that Shadow would, eventually, return.
Shadow might still ignore him but honestly, Sonic felt like he deserved it.

Before Sonic knew it, he ended up so deep in thought that he didn't notice just how fast the hours past by. The thing that pulled Sonic from his thoughts, was the earthquake. The lounger he was sitting in, started shaking. Violently.
Sonic quickly got up from the lounger, only to fall down on the ground as the earthquake seemed to get worse. It was soon followed by the sound of thunder.
Just as Sonic was about to try and get somewhere safer, Shadow appeared out of nowhere. Unlike Sonic, Shadow managed to, at least, stay on his feet.

"Shadow? What's going on?" Sonic forced himself to asked as he kept his gaze on Shadow. At first, Shadow didn't say anything.
And after a while the earthquake stopped.

"What do you think? This dimension is starting to be effected by me being here" Shadow explained the moment it seemed to be calm again.

"Just great..." Sonic mumbled to himself as he stood up on his feet. "Nice to see ya by the way" He quickly added as he tried to get as much sand out of his fur as possible.
Shadow on the other hand, didn't say anything. He kept his gaze on the ocean that had, by now, calmed down again.

"What was that explosion anyway?" Sonic didn't seem to understand that Shadow was not in the mood to talk, that or the blue blur didn't care.

"A Chaos Blast" Shadow responded bluntly as he started to look around.

"A what?" At that, Shadow turned around and looked at Sonic.

"You heard me, a Chaos Blast. Just be grateful that I still had my Inhibitor Rings on" Shadow said as a sound caused his ears to twitch.

"And why would I be grateful for that...?" Shadow couldn't help but to avert his gaze from Sonic the moment he heard that.

"Because you wouldn't have been alive otherwise" It was the harsh truth, a fact that Shadow hated. Though he would never voice it out loud.

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