Chapter 29: Where I Belong

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Keith's POV

I sat with Lance in the hospital room. I missed him so much. He helps keep away the nightmares at night and he helps me forget what has happened to me. I don't know where I would be without him. Everyone else had visited too. Pidge, Hunk, Matt, and Shiro. Lance was here all the time as if he were stuck to me like glue. The nurses don't try and convince him to go to his own room anymore because of how stubborn he would be.

The hospital wasn't too bad. It was a rather nice place considering how many times I have been in here. The only thing that I dreaded was a shower. It was the fact that I was by myself and the mirrors. I couldn't dread the fact that I would have to look at myself. I already knew I was disgusting so why should I need a confirmation? I was holding Lance's hand and staring out the window as he fell asleep next to me. I smiled and I leaned my head on his own.

Then I started thinking. Where would we go from here? What was going to happen? We practically missed an entire year of school. Would we transfer? Would people know about what we did? I just wanted to live with him forever. Where would I go? With my dad again? Is that another issue I would have to handle? I let out a slight breath. I fluffed my hair slightly until I heard the door open suddenly. I gripped Lance's hand slightly more than I was already which is the reason he had woken up.

I watched Lance's mom walk through the door which made me smile and relax. Lance's mom was nice. She was one of the nicest people I have ever met. At least, those that were adults. I felt safe around her and she made me happy. Lance had sat up and rubbed his eyes noticing his mom in the room.


"Oh sweety! The nurses told me you would be in here with Keith. Nice to see you again Keith. It has been so long. We miss having you around the house."

I blushed slightly as I let out a small chuckle.

"Thank you Mrs. Mclaine."

"Oh please. Call me Mom."

I looked at her in confusion. I looked to Lance who seemed just as confused. She seemed to chuckle at our looks as she pulled up a chair. It looked like she was about to explain what she meant.

"Boys, this is really important. You must listen to me."

We both nodded as she started to continue.

"Keith, your father, he died. He was found in the living room. He has supposedly died from alcoholic consumption abuse. He drank too much. I'm sorry sweetheart."

Truth was, I could care less about if he was dead or alive. I never wanted to see him again. I didn't know how to feel though. I kind of just stared at the wall. I felt Lance pulling me into him for a hug. I could feel Mrs. Mclaine's eyes on me but I didn't bother to look at her.

"So, that is why I decided to adopt you."

My eyes widened as I looked over at her. She actually did that? I have a family. I have a real family? This is more unreal than I have ever imagined. I could feel my eyes start to burn. The all familiar feeling of tears starting to collect. I looked over at Lance and saw the expression on his face. I saw the smile that he had on his face along with the tears accumulating in his eyes too. I looked over at Mrs. Mclaine who also had tears in her eyes as well.

" are serious?"

"Completely. Welcome to the family Keith."

Sobs suddenly came out of my mouth as it was something I just couldn't believe. Somebody wanted me. Who would actually want me? I felt Lance hug me tightly as his mom also came over to us as we all hugged each other. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

We had eventually all pulled away from the hug as Lance's mom stepped back. I looked over at Lance who had reached a hand up to wipe away most of my tears and he suddenly pulled me into a kiss. I didn't expect it and it was embarrassing for me to have kissed him when his mother was standing there watching us. I leaned into it none the less and once we pulled apart, I let out a breath.

"I'm so proud of you boys."

I smiled as I looked over at Mrs. Mclaine. I didn't have the strength to call her mom yet which I assumed she would understand.

"I will be back when Keith is ready to be released. Tomorrow afternoon. Get a good sleep you two."

"Thanks mom."

I didn't say anything as I watched her leave. I used my strength to sit up as I wanted her to stop.

"Mrs. Mclaine?"

She turned around with a hum as her hair whipped slightly.

"Thank you."

She smiled.

"Of course sweetheart. Don't be afraid to contact me. I will let you know of other things tomorrow when I pick you up. Goodnight boys."

She walked out. I had never felt this happy. I did when I had met Lance but felt like a fairytale. I never would have expected something like this. I turned to Lance and smiled. I was excited to be going to my new home. The home that I know I truly belonged in.

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